Your Gentle Song

Publicado por: O Insensato
Data: 05/08/2024
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro


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Your song

Can you feel the whispers in the air,

A smile that shines beyond compare,

Moments when your laughter fills the room,

In your smile there is a light,

Light that dances in your eyes,

A promise kept where true love lies.

So I made this gentle song,

For every smile that leads me on,

Softly, sweetly, through and through,

My heart belongs to you.

Calm beneath the moonlit skies

A heart that has no need for lies

Memories shared in every laugh

In this moment you’re my half

Love’s a spark that fuels my heart

Always…I’ll be there!

So I made this gentle song,

For every smile that leads me on,

Softly, sweetly, through and through,

My feelings are so true.

O Insensato
Enviado por O Insensato em 05/08/2024
Código do texto: T8122482
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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