It was a summer where every fortress seemed to crumble in a past glued to a being that let us suppose that there had always been several gods of nature and faith who always prevailed on the throne to dedicate themselves to the purest sovereignties where the most dreamed decision of tell beautiful stories about the supreme court where a sovereign king son of Pluto established between both classes the purest dynasty that preserved a more teaching nature that always showed people everywhere that there is a god of pure soul and compassion for the poverties that was validated on a temple of art, music and poetry that always reminded me that the past lives glued to the side of the honest democracy that is where men with high heads and loving hearts come from who have always been dedicated to art and the culture of the more than dreamed of poetic tradition that has always been dedicated to the more than dreamed of monarchies that we remember the old art of foreign cinema that has always been dedicated to the world only about the great pride and the creation of great supernatural effects to show the world what life would be and is an art school where we can understand today here now from where beautiful images are taken and beautiful scenarios are made how the wisdom of describing is used in sociology several weights of theaters where I get to know up close the old history of the past that always showed the sympathy of the bourgeoisie that always dedicated itself and went over the impurities of life that always wanted to get rid of the good human heart of working men who always dreamed of the tenth time of the ancient age to show in full fantasy where the best classes live and have always been dedicated to art and culture that have always established the sympathy of youth where they have always made the world a school of great adventurers and connoisseurs of the science of life where we can here now clarify several roles that were traced and pasted in the heart of the earth as a tale that reminds me of the great flowering and descent . covered with youth that always made me know the divine art of leading us to the old world with love and perfection and wishing for the most beautiful fantasies that we remember beautiful children who always smiled joyfully and happily at the world wrapped in wars and destruction as far as science is concerned. always dominated the most impure weaknesses of human beings who always observed the world from behind a communism that symbolized the old undeniable madness of undoing in the world against honest people who always played their best and greatest role of knowing life as well as being human being sold at a bargain price on the streets to show how sociology is done instead of education that democracy was imposed to build great commands and military organizations over the country to simply dominate the undeniable world of pleasure, hate and revenge that was soon to become conserving religiosity about the world while politics threw itself into society to build among some socialist factors a half catastrophic column that we can still understand the whole story told by the bible and how to know man and his armor against and between heaven that the knowledge of certain sciences was conceived that always controlled life and made him dedicate himself to the beautiful contradictions of life while the world has always given space and time as the universe the old construction between the human mind and deconstruction to the bad omens that limit themselves like the edge of the sea all the forces of nature that reminds me of the value and inability of man over and against the life that is simplified like an old story that would be falling apart to get to know the world the beautiful ways of knowing life as nature has always come undone in the human being like a machine of destruction that seems to be paying for every moment of satisfaction of our actions against the life that considers itself benevolent and graceful the reasons why we live and are living because the world wants to make us and show how it originated each second of life when we try to destroy them by the ambition and devaluation of certain pleasures and conquests on the relativity with life and the universe gives us all the graces and glories while the fire of God and the devil is traced over the society that has always shown a profound role on life and they are simply maddened by their voracity and nature has always shown that life would be a school of arts when its due role would be to play with life on a challenge of reaching the new future when we will remain glued to the old machine of deconstruction challenging every shelf and every moment all the incapacities that reminds me how inhumane we are with the superb life and we align ourselves with failure based on the strongest that still try to show themselves understood by the circumstances of life and the world if finds it challenged and man goes back to being a monkey while different inventions about life are created to show that there are some competitive men. ence about ignorance that transcends life and the world finds itself wary of various forms and disciplines of living and we can improve time or we will die in its space as an interval in the smallest fraction that is completed in life over life as any consequence that remains between a short interval like an atom in the smallest fraction and combination of an element capable of experiencing and building beautiful to progress to the history of the old world and we are children of god and inhabitants of planet earth and here we will have our lives and we end the old ancient story in a younger age and that's how life is done as usual in a back and forth setback showing and giving space to the most intimate nature of life and we can see that hell would be instead of the human being dedicating himself to all the penalties that roll in life that they would be incapable of preserving the world and that would be the scale of a time of perdition and scarce about the fascination of knowing and conquering the world that is devoured over their acquaintances . cements as a ruin to crumble without direction and so would be the punishment and punishment of the human being and hell would be catastrophic the origins of life and so the human being lives from the will, pleasure and knowledge that always by a sentimental deviation he turns against its formalities being destroyed between certain prejudices which is where it originates as a fact that occurred and the beginning of another happiness and formation of life that would perhaps be from his own madness that always preserved him about his uncertainties against life and death that always made him go back to oblivion showing him up close life and simply everything he did because in logic life would be an iscasses of a great relativity based on the knowledge of the world and life and creation which is how we say everything that nature it is conceived if it turns back on itself as by a simple notion and understanding of life and death the world starts from nothing to be destroyed in order to form all the elements again and thus it is gone. rmalized life and human being limited itself on its role of developing and expired on its movements and thus it was known and created about life and made the world an art school and we can understand that life would be an artifact of all our creations in which we can make it both heaven and hell and so if perhaps the world was preserved and the human being aligned on its aspects and transformations between time and space and we can describe this broader story of the conquest of the human being about life that starts from nothing, giving space to being and atomic elementary substances and forming life by creating everything in atom that in theory we classify the beginning of the world and the discovery of man through life that are formalized as a matter of discipline in a variety in which the human being is a consequence and evolution in the socialist life that struggles with various attributes making the human being knowledgeable and conqueror of a vast understanding and thus can We can prescribe the old story that man evolved over the sky and the earth that gave him over space making him know and conquer the life that kept him on the stars and planets getting to know the moon and improving himself over life and so it remains. the story of a generation that we tell about true gods and goddesses that begins with the transition of life on a simple story between good and evil consecrated on a fearless desire to clarify and know the world and that's how old words began.

It was a summer where every fortress seemed to crumble in a past glued to a being that let us suppose that there had always been several gods of nature and faith who always prevailed on the throne to dedicate themselves to the purest sovereignties where the most dreamed decision of tell beautiful stories about the supreme court where a sovereign king son of Pluto established between both classes the purest dynasty that preserved a more teaching nature that always showed people everywhere that there is a god of pure soul and compassion for poverties that was validated on a temple of art, music and poetry that always reminded me that the past lives next to the honest democracy that is where men with high heads and loving hearts come from who have always been dedicated to art and culture of the more than dreamed of poetic tradition that has always been dedicated to the more than dreamed of monarchies that we remember the old art of foreign cinema that has always been dedicated to the world about the great pride and the creation of great supernatural effects to show the world what life would be and it is an art school where we can understand today here now where beautiful images are taken and beautiful scenarios are made how in sociology the wisdom of describing different theaters where it makes me know the old history of the past that always showed the sympathy of the bourgeoisie that always dedicated itself and went over the impurities of life that always wanted to get rid of the good human heart of working men who always dreamed of ten years of ancient times showing in full fantasy where the best classes live and have always been dedicated to art and culture that have always established the sympathy of youth where they have always made the world a school for great adventurers.

I can even see the future as a prodigal imagination of a more advantageous feeling that makes me throw on life the most dreamed of adventures on a link that makes me know all the modalities of knowledge and we can experience on each shelf its creation about great gods how much the pure imagination of man would be to know closely its various aspects and dominate life with more tenderness about a real understanding with life and let's not forget the past and venture into the future that we transcribe several stories and give many narratives about life and its setbacks where life lives and where life can make us live so that by a simple notion we will reach and understand the world and its old stories that speak of various gods and goddesses as a fantastic scenario that we seek among the lights of life the true story of the world over the world of imaginations and so we will be eternal and fraternal and the world will simply show us what we are.

I want to thank everyone for this introduction that makes me tell a simple notion and variety that it is from the gods and goddesses that art and culture were consecrated and simply shows a great abbreviation of life about a beautiful pastime of my feelings and thank you very much to all!

By: Roberto Barros