Don’t ask me why
Do meu livro Make a Choice To Be Happy lançado em Montreal/Canada
Don’t ask me why
Luiz Alberto Silveira
it’s like that
Have you heard that small voice coming from within, sometimes out of nowhere, which caused you to understand, to distrust, to know what to do and say to shed light on a subject?
Have you noticed that this voice tells you things that you did not know you knew and points you in the right direction?
The knowledge was there at the right moment and you knew it without studying or analyzing.
It is your intuition that assumes your thoughts, telling you to pay attention to what’s being said.
Intuition is the way your soul speaks to you.
This instinct signals joy, danger, an alternative to a professional problem, attention to a family or emotional difficulty.
We all have intuitions, but we do not always value them or know how to use them.
It is our sixth sense.
Intuition is knowledge that arises without the use of logic or reason and appears in different forms such as dreams, daytime visions, bodily sensations, pure knowledge, insights and creativity.
(Sharon Franquemont)
Intuition, without our noticing it, is as important to our lives as rational decisions.
Each of us has the wisdom and knowledge we need within ourselves.
(Carl Jung)
People with low self-esteem find it more difficult to believe in intuitive intelligence because of a mistrust of everything that comes from within.
(Virginia Marchini)
According to Steve Jobs, intuition “is more powerful than intellect.” Do not let the noise of others’ opinions stifle your inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.
Courage itself is opting for a different path, relying more on intuition than on statistics, risking disappointments to know what exists on the other side of conventional life.
And, especially, to face your own loneliness and discover how much it strengthens your inner being.
Intuition is reliable. Reason hits no more than intuitive sensations.
Instinct scores in 90% of cases (Marius Usher, Tel Aviv University, Israel). Even knowing the “right”, something says it is not quite so.
When billionaire investor, George Soros knows that his decision is wrong, he feels back pain.
Sophy Burnham, author of The Art of Intuition: “Intuition is a knowing without knowing”.
It is necessary to be able to enjoy a little solitude, a little silence because you cannot hear the intuition amidst the noise of everyday life.
Intuitive people pay attention to their body.
Have you ever felt nauseous when you felt something was wrong?
Do you pay attention to your dreams?
Depression, anger, strong emotion makes our intuition fail.
Be careful to not belittle your intuition.
Say yes to new ideas.
Be open to whatever comes to mind.
Cultivate silence.
Moments of inner stillness are fundamental to listening to intuition.
Nurture joy.
The emotional side works best when you are happy.
Reserve free time.
You have to disconnect to connect with new knowledge.
Discover your purpose.
Keep in mind what you need to solve.
Working in groups is a way to explore vision and intuitive leadership.
Open up to all your senses.
An insight often comes through the body.
( Sharon Franquemont)