How can we escape?

How can we escape the wrath to come, which is determined upon humanity? Is it possible not just to survive, but to live in a place of peace and security? Yes, it is possible, but...

One thing that greatly afflicts humans is the lack of security. And this is not just because of the rise in crime and the increase in criminality, but because even the justice system exercised by the nation state is twisting the law and justice, even going against what it itself had laid down as a guideline to be followed when judging issues and conflicts that may arise between humans.

Foreseeing all this, God drew up the constitutional basis by which judges should exercise judgment and justice.

And the guideline drawn up by God provides security and guarantees that those who practice it will escape His judgments. And not only that, but they will also have another life, where those who escape will live without trepidation or fear.

And this rule determined by God is His Law, the Decalogue. He calls it "The Perfect Law, which makes perfect everyone who practices it. Psalm 19:7. Because this is one of Jesus' guidelines. See:

"Therefore be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48.

And God's grace, which can give us this favor, is based on his justice, see:

"that as sin reigned through death, even so GRACE might reign through RIGHTEOUSNESS that leads to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:21.

Note that not only does God's grace reign through His righteousness, which is His Law, but it also leads to eternal life. In fact, another text affirms this, see:

"And I know that YOUR COMMANDMENT IS ETERNAL LIFE. Therefore, whatever I say, I say just as the Father has said to me." John 12:50.

Therefore, says the Holy Spirit:

"how shall we escape, if we do not take this great salvation seriously? It was first announced by the Lord, and then it was confirmed to us by those who heard it." Hebrews 2:3.

"Be careful and do not refuse to listen to him who speaks. For if those who refused to listen to him who divinely warned them on earth did not escape, much less shall we escape, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven." Hebrews 12:25.

Guarulhos SP, 17/02/024

Oli Prestes
