The Life of the River of God

"But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." (Jer 20:9)

We cannot control the life of the river of God. The Spirit blows wherever he wants to. The kingdom of heaven is calling for those who are willing to go for them. We feel His call in our hearts and we say yes to Him. But our fear pushes us back and make us live just as a regular Christian, while the fire keeps burning inside of us. In fact, we fear about what people could think if we do as God commanded us. Fear to manifest Christ with all His power and signs. Fear to see people being saved, healed and freed in front of us. Fear of doing good actions for people without being asked for it. Fear to unveil the heart of the people and reveal them the will of God. The kingdom of heaven is like a flowing river. Our fear is a water tap that try to control the life of this river. However, it is not possible to be a disciple of Jesus and control the Spirit. So, let's allow Him to flow through of us for we may see wonderful things in our midst.