My name is Milton Pires. I'm a 42 years old cardiologist doctor living in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. A city close to 1,5 million people which is supposed to be a natural riot center for all kind of left wing movements connected with Brazilian Workers Party. Social World Forum was born in here as well as bus tickets prices protests now in the world headlines.

I'm writing these lines because something must be said in a plain and simple way about these riots provoked by punks financed by big sharks in politics. Kids fighting on the streets using Nike shoes and planning social justice by smartphones? Do you think these guys have any kind of social conscience? They were raised by middle class parents and educated in the best high schools in the country. Try to go out and ask how many protesters actually used public transportation to go to to work. You will be frustrated..

When I was a teenager, back in the 80's, we were in the streets fighting for direct elections. None of us tried to burn shops or attack the police. What goes unnoticed to the world is that Brazilian society is waiting for the final legal results of the greatest political scandal in our history. Something you, in US, called big monthly allowance – in portuguese – mensalão.

One what the most important big bosses in Workers Party, José Dirceu, has recently said that Mr.Lula da Silva will not run for president again in 14. Interestingly, he noticed that an exception should be considered – a national emergency situation in which desperate people eventually claimed for Lula's return.

Theres is no way to detach the political scene in Brazil of these riots. Doesn't matter the cause, I can assure you all of them have the same reason – to diverge public attention in a situation of decreasing economic power, serious public health problems, destroyed education facilities, and corrupted police forces. I hope people in US do realize what I said before starting public support campaigns helping these kids. Theres nothing about justice at all in their actions – only Workers Party same old witchcraft.


Pires, M.


Porto Alegre - Brazil.

Enviado por cardiopires em 16/06/2013
Reeditado em 19/06/2013
Código do texto: T4344605
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro