- Futon ga futtonda (布団が吹っ飛んだ) [The futon blew away]
- Neko ga nekonda (猫が寝込んだ) [The cat fell asleep]
- Arumi kan no ue ni aru mikan (アルミ缶の上にあるミカン) [The tangerine on top of the aluminum can]
- Asari wo assari to taberu (アサリをあっさりと食べる) [Eat clams lightly]
- Sukii wa suki (スキーは好き) [I like skiing]
- Naiyou ga naiyou (内容が無いよう) [There is no content/substance it seems]
- Iruka wa iru ka? (イルカはいるか?) [Are there dolphins?]
- Shika shika nai (鹿しかない) [There’s nothing but deers]
- Choko wo chokotto tabeta (チョコをちょこっと食べた) [I ate a bit of chocolate]
- Denwa ni daremo denwa (電話に誰も出んわ) [No one’s answering the phone]