Relatively, I believe that we are on the outskirts of the world where we extend all the modalities that make up life in terms of the relativities that make life circulate ahead of time and space that make us transcribe about a dilemma of survival and death that plagues us all the hours, minutes and seconds that make us live or die for a simple notion of facing the time that we call everything that makes us pass over all the realities of life and that is all the things to live and that for a simple notion makes up the existence of life. Simply I am everything that everything I have to dedicate!

I am the light that illuminates all the formalities of life on a fearless pleasure of clarifying the good intentions of the human being that is completed on the earthly planes, both material and spiritual, that passes over us every minute and second of affliction that by the hand of the human being one conceives and preserves the mere fullness of living where there is light and there is no darkness when there are no eddies that make us redeem the black voracities that infiltrate society like the remains of a heroine who absorbed herself from the absolute chemistry of life that lined up the advantages of the human being who was subconsciously possessed of pleasure that he admitted to taking advantage of the advantages of living that took him real proof of happiness to later be chemically diluted that were disassociated and left over the escape exits over the centripetal forces and petrifications of matter that pass to the spirit that conceals this transposition over a point of clairvoyance and dispenses with exits from it etrons like evaporation that simply passed into nothingness that came from a constructive source of pleasure formed into light called life that illuminates any mine.

I am the light that illuminates all the formalities of life on a fearless pleasure of clarifying the good intentions of the human being that is completed on the earthly planes, both material and spiritual, that passes over us every minute and second of affliction that by the hand of the human being one conceives and preserves the mere fullness of living.

I am the vital science that is born together with all the relativities of nature that exercises the creations of each atom in life, giving existence and clairvoyance to all the fullness of living through which energy, flow and capacity have no limits on all resistances and existences that feed the universal nature on the land of mortals that develop on its formalities that are conserved both in physics, and in chemistry and biology that is above everything and all matters for a state of conservation and development of the soul the mere imagination of the human being who aligns and absorbs himself on such income and knowledge that enjoy the pleasures of life that makes us conquerors of the world that portrays us as great scientists and goods we evolve the life of certain consciences that awaken man's knowledge about life on earth and in space that has no limits, but a mere affection of consistency and appreciation for the man who conquered life and space so about his unforgettable pleasure and optimism in growing and winning over high values of intelligence that applies and dedicates itself to certain contradictions of the man who loves his life and believes in luck and ability is simply his home in which we can admit what we are and what we dream about all measures of time and space getting each atom over a smaller fraction of life that aligns and dedicates itself to various transformations of knowledge that we call science that we apply to the guidelines and tactics of life as a vehicle of transformation and elevation that takes us and elevates the doors and keys of all knowledge in which we admit everything in logic and all things as existence in life and which is like an undertaking both for us and for life that simply passes from a flow in which if we put on their reactions and creations for the great development of the human being and life on earth.

I am the vital science that is born together with all the relativities of nature that exercises the creations of each atom in life, giving existence and clairvoyance to all the fullness of living through which energy, flow and capacity have no limits on all resistances and existences that feed the universal nature on the land of mortals that develop on its formalities that are conserved both in physics, and in chemistry and biology that is above everything and all matters for a state of conservation and development of the soul the mere imagination of the human being.

I do not dwell in the uncertainties of things because I am more fluent than I was born from the eternal fire of God that preserves us both material and spiritual heat that makes us procreate on the flame called life that makes us live and create different things with the mere imagination of thought that was born and sprouted in a soul that sanctifies us and that revives us over any subsistence and resistance of life that leads us to progress and exist over all the capacities and qualities that make up both the existence and the survival of the creation of life that keeps us in soul for existing and progressing in the passage of time over eternity.

I do not live in failure and perdition because I remake my desires and transform both living and satisfaction into creation that I believe is not equal to the world, but I try to touch it deeply in its plexus like an arrow that does not deviate from wisdom that targets the target of the creation that I intend to build as a platform on my unforgettable dreams and fantasies that were born of me for me to be more than a dreamer that I dedicate myself to the scientific study that I apply on life and its ideas and transformations that we can better understand life and its creations. So I am what I dreamed that I never lived in failure and perdition because I am made of steel and of the most splendid heart that here I describe everything from my imagination both that I studied and that I created to show everyone a little of my imagination. Thank you and a big hug!

I dedicate these words with a lot of love to all the friends and professors at Edu Academy and thank you all so much!

By: Roberto Barros