who is Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos from the city of Itapagipe Minas Gerais.

Written by: Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos Bachelor's Degree in Theology from the Pontifical Faculty of Theology Nossa Senhora da Assunção - Archdiocese of São Paulo, with a maximum degree, grade ten in the Exam De Universa Theologia. He studied Latin, Greek, Aramaic, German, French and Spanish, with a degree in Philology and a specialization in Canon Law, author of the thesis in Astrophysics, What is the Principle of Uncausality.

Degree in Philosophy and History, also graduated in Psychology, by the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC-MG. Experience in guiding studies on various topics. Visiting Professor at the Parthenon Institute - Brazilian Institute of Philosophy and Education-www.institutoparthenon.com.br

City of São Paulo, the thirty-first of December, two thousand and twenty-two.

São Paulo 31-12-2022.

Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos.

Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos
Enviado por Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos em 31/12/2022
Reeditado em 31/12/2022
Código do texto: T7683692
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro