It was summer when everything seemed very calm, where pure metaphysics gave way to a more philosophical dignity of prescribing various sciences that, in my view, things always rise from death to resurrect the life that was when the nights were thickly hot over a cold atmosphere that was when the air was transformed under a hydrogenation in the smallest fraction of an element that was creating a life more supposedly on an atomic element of a cautious weight that was emptied in the atmosphere in which everything could have walked on a form to contain and live when the birds rest in the trees is meant to breathe oxygen as an emanation of thriving more life and when the melody of the seeds that are planted in depth several trees grow to sprout from a seed in a very sandy soil in that germinates like a song about the proteins that descend from the sun on the load of water from the rains that make the growth process under the airy heat of the soil that nourishes itself and at the same time animates and germinates as to the supernatural forces of the universe that proliferate us on great relativities with life and development with all the atomic elements of the universe that makes itself transported over the earth a more geological aspect between the chemistry that breeds on life, the growth of a seed to be made and the growth of several trees in which nature can be reflected on a whole argument of heat and cold about life that is made to grow giving us more life and contour to establish such living beings as trees and plants that come out and show more alive under the nature that favors us of great and estimable natural developments in life and let's talk about a more besieging alchemy that we can describe that science would be the construction of all lives for the creation of certain attributes in relativities with life and I want here now to talk about the alchemy that is the chemistry of the Middle Ages, which sought to develop to cover the universal panacea, or remedy against all physical and moral ills, and the philosopher's stone, which was to transform metals into gold; spagyria , spagyric .

We can understand by alchemy that it was and is a practice focused on the transformation of matter that makes different sciences, such as Chemistry, Physics, Astrology, Philosophy, Art, Metallurgy, Medicine, Mysticism and Religion and also the alchemy of love and sex is a work on tantra, sexuality and spirituality in the full sense of sacred love. The text makes us reflect on what we actually expect from love relationships that make us love and feel pleasure over a wide variety of feelings that rise above a great purpose created by the strength of will and desire and adoration that alchemy makes over. a great emotional relativity of both positive and negative senses in which the force of love is released on a concentration of great emotional charges that makes beings fall in love with another person and thus the force of the mind is directed that applies to different modalities and personalities of an individual who supposedly can dedicate himself habitually to that person creating a passion for the moral fluid that exceeds the character and personality to preserve a good friendship in which everything can be equally well balanced by a gesture and feeling of love and we can see that alchemy develops into a metamorphosis which involves the chemistry of love over great electrical effects of the spirit that passes to the soul and identifies with the person who conceived there to love and he simply dedicated himself body and soul to this person on an emotional bond called,. The alchemy of love.

I want to talk about the mysticism that would be the other side of the reaction of a bliss about a great transformation, both chemical and material, that we can see and classify today everything in life as a great relativity of alchemy that has always played its more than finable role over all modalities and monotony in which the human being can have his own character and his personality would be the basis for establishing a moral conduct based on a great training and relationship with the social environment as well as the scientific relationships that are inflicted on the life of each human being who is dedicated to work, to love, to sport and in everything we can unravel about a philosophical effect in which we can see all psychologies applied to the letter and how much time we have and how much space we can contemplate this formality and I mean that everything is contained on a large conjunction that mathematics and the theory of the sciences for us about a great fascination for life that we can understand the great development ent of the human being about life since prehistory and the birth of the world that chemically formalized all the elements of life in a well-fluid carburization of certain elements that combined under a great atomic heat in which all molecules and particles fed and formed a nucleus called earth that we can really unravel all the mysteries of nature by this extraordinary combination of atomic elements and electrons outputs and centrifuges causing a planetary effect on life and everything would be logical to our nature when we can homogenize being human with nature itself that would be winged by a smaller fraction of an element and escape exits if creating a life in a relative variety of various atomic elements that formalize as protons, electrons and neutrons and let's talk about the great alchemy of life that the world was made and the human being was created who feels and thinks and acts through emotions and we can dedicate ourselves to the study of the life that I consider biology that studies life and I simply mean that everything is contained under an effect of transmutation and transformation between various aspects that involves nature and human life and I want to talk about alchemy and its biochemical functions that have been preserved and developed several biological transformations to the human metabolism that are identified on a great effect I will fertilize the spirit that is nuclear chemistry and the matter that is the atomic nucleus and everything happens from a function between proteins, vitamins and mineral salts that in metaphysics we dive into the biology clearly that every process of the human being is made as in psychology that influences the emotions of each chemical element as a repositor of energy on the mind that is encoded by the organism and transformed into liquid substances for the good organic functioning of the organism, transforming us on various aspects physiological functions that exert mechanical and metabolic functions to the human being for a smaller fraction of time and space that is dense and works formatively on a magnetic alchemy that we can prescribe its maturation and transformation of the elements upon life as well as the chemical functions between a physical aspect of the Elemental existence of the universe that is dense in its state of time. and space and let's think about the alchemy of life that simplifies us with its characteristics of conjunction, transformation and combination and everything is contained under a great relativity of birth, growth and evolution in which we see biology as a preliminary study of life and its functions and relationships with life and we can say that alchemy is about a wide variety of involvements with all life and the world can always tell us where its secrets reside as long as there are lives above life.

It was summer when everything seemed very calm, where pure metaphysics gave way to a more philosophical dignity of prescribing various sciences that, in my view, things always rise from death to resurrect the life that was when the nights were thickly hot over a cold atmosphere that was when the air was transformed under a hydrogenation in the smallest fraction of an element that was creating a life more supposedly on an atomic element of a cautious weight that was emptied in the atmosphere in which everything could have walked on a form to contain and live when the birds rest in the trees is meant to breathe oxygen as an emanation of thriving more life and when the melody of the seeds that are planted in depth several trees grow to sprout from a seed in a very sandy soil in that germinates like a song about the proteins that descend from the sun on the load of water from the rains that make the growth process under the airy heat of the soil that nourishes itself and at the same time animates and germinates in relation to the supernatural forces of the universe that proliferate to us on great relativities with life.

I believe that we are all timed by a great alchemy that in my opinion I have always dedicated myself body and soul to space and it was when I discovered that we are a small atomic universe that we have all the relativities about our bodies that look like the universe that destined mind we can see and understand how it all started and let's say that we are pieces of the universe because I believe that there is in us everything and everything that is in the universe and we are terrestrial beings and some time we can understand the whole history of life also simplifying the history of the bible and we can clearly say that we have an ancestor and that time was silent and glued to the past and that maybe among mere circumstances of life I believe that the world has lived several different and intelligent beings before us who studied life with great dedication and passed through this planet when this planet has passed through a great transformation of several races and living beings that we can really say that time does not stop and has always left us with great memories that are mixed with various sciences and technologies that we simply learn to know closely alchemy and its chemical transformations that, as you can see, the human being has gone through a great effect and transformation on all modalities and relativities of life and that the human being can be well united to certain alchemies that supposedly in the past, indivisible moment and short space if the atom was created and we can say that we are descendants of life and of a very similar construction when we stand on a great transformation and natural creation of nature that helped us with four natural elements that are called air, water, earth and fire that complete us atomically and is part of the organic system because I believe that we are very far from the reality of life that we will still have that prescribe all the dilemmas and dictations that it makes us know about the human development of the human being and its functions as a transformation chemical composition of each existence created by each atom in a variety of certain prodigal substances both positive and negative and thus formed the spirit that we call nuclear chemistry that may have been generated on a great universal transformation according to the plans of God that everything that exists was created by God. He created heaven, earth, living beings, angels and mankind. God gives life to all of us and wants to bless us. All creation is God's work for his praise. He created everything to be good.

Because of sin, creation was tainted. Now there are imperfections, pain and suffering. But we can still see God's hand in the beauty and detail of creation. One day God will destroy sin and restore all creation! In Jesus we are a new creation.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the great animals of all the earth and over all the small animals that move along the sea." to the ground".

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, but on the seventh day he rested. Therefore, the Lord blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them .

For since the creation of the world the invisible attributes of God, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through created things, so that such men are without excuse;

The Lord has given you the breath of life, for thus it is written: "Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2.7) Of all his creation, the human body was the only thing that God formed with his own hands.

I believe that we are all timed by a great alchemy that in my opinion I have always dedicated myself body and soul to space and it was when I discovered that we are a small atomic universe that we have all the relativities about our bodies that look like the universe that destined mind we can see and understand how it all started and let's say that we are pieces of the universe because I believe that there is in us everything and everything that is in the universe and we are terrestrial beings and some time we can understand the whole history of life also simplifying the history of the bible and we can clearly say that we have an ancestor and that time was silent and glued to the past.

Alchemy can tell us today how homogeneous we are to life and that every relationship with nature prevails in us from a more fearless formation to the time of round trip as we can say that God gave us life and death that made us all the relativities of life in circumstances of the maturation of the human being that develops on the clairvoyance of light that shows us love and life and death comes from the obscurity of life that shows us hatred, detachment and suffering and that can make us understand that it would be the beginning of another life and so on that it is by dying that one lives for eternal life. Alchemy would be a deeper relationship in which all man's relationships with society can be transformed by the strength of the mind along with the personal formation and character of any moral fluid that is conceived with education passing as a logical formulation of understanding. that soon resembles society as sociology and means of communication that we can unravel this story more fluently as a development of certain substances and proteins that makes metabolism react on mental development as an alchemy of flow over all emotions passing as character own and perfecting the human being over life and I mean that we are well timed on great influences both morally that is conceived from the soul to mental control and from the physical part that is conceived of the development between character and physiological formation that we can develop on the strength and power of the mind which causes a magical effect on the organism by multiplying the cells of maturation on the great development of mental and physical functions and I want to classify this theory as a chemical tone of a great alchemy that logically we can develop it on various anthropological aspects that in physics and chemistry we can classify as the great development both material as spiritual, according to religions, man becomes something relatively superior and prevails over the energies and overloads of electrons passing to the atomic nucleus as a background and we simplify this more peaceful and realistic theory to material and soul development, leaving the human being above all relativity and genetic transformation of life and so alchemy spreads over various aspects of the human being and I mean that we were perhaps made of both fire and water and thus combine and can contain themselves in various atomic elements the human being who is divided into three fundamental elements which are electrons, protons and neutrons and that's how life is created and we can understand its purposes and relativities with all of nature.

I want to thank all my great and esteemed friends and readers and say that I am very happy to show all my point of view that is aligned on this great and extraordinary context that I explain here for everyone to see and know a little about true alchemy. that relates to all modalities of the human being in life and I want to say with immense love to everyone at the Edu Academy that I made this contest with several studies and researches for everyone to see and show to great researchers and thank you very much and a big hug!

By: Roberto Barros