How the surname Vasconcelos was born and evolved in the world and in Brazil

When the Vasconcelos appeared in the world and in Brazil, a region in Europe called the Germanic peoples, the Aryans, before Christ, several tribes left the ancient Persian, today Iram.

Therefore, the Vasconcelos originally are Mesopotamians, fled this region due to regional tribal conflicts, the banks of the rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, arriving in Europe located and developed in the Nordic European part.

A thousand years after the Christian era, groups from this place arrived in Spain, on a large farm named Vasconça, and the Vasconcelos were born in honor of this region.

Thus, the Vasconcelos never existed as an etymology determined historically through a clan that in evolution had only a family perspective, which is why the Vasconcelos, the largest family in the world, represent only a large farm in Spain.

Indeed, initially in Spain the Vasconcelos came from different Germanic tribes, with their own dialects and gods, with difficult languages ​​they could not communicate with each other, the verb vasconcear was born from a tribute to these tribes, whose meaning, the one who speaks incomprehensibly .

The Vasconcelos in Vasconça, were tall, had green eyes and yellow hair, with a Danish appearance, they were essentially beautiful people, however, not adept at Christianity, which is why the Vasconcelos were persecuted by the Inquisition as well as by the Latins.

The Basques still today want the independence of the region, where the Vasconça farm is located, dismembering Spain as a country, regional conflicts against the Spanish people, in the 5th century, they were persecuted by the Inquisition, fled Spain avoiding being killed by the Vatican.

The Church at the time, a political ideological institution, used the power of the faith of Catholic followers, with the aim of killing everyone who did not socially integrate the regions dominated by the Pope.

The Vasconcelos five hundred years ago, due to a terrible persecution by the Holy Inquisition, as the Vasconcelos were not Christians, they left Spain going to Portugal, they helped the Portuguese nobility to found the first National State, with the aim of fighting the Islamic peoples.

For this reason the Vasconcelos became the nobility togada, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Vasconcelos were in Rio de Janeiro with the Imperial family, Dom João VI, donated thousands of bushels of land in the region of Franca do Imperador to Francisco Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, married to Maria de Jesus Vasconcelos.

Dom João VI graced the brothers and sisters of Francisco Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, donating large tracts of land, in several States of this Federation, therefore, there are famous people of this genealogy throughout Brazil, as well as thousands of poor and simple Vasconcelos.

However, in Portugal the Vasconcelos formed a large group, on the coast of Madeira Island, this region through colonization, reaches a large part of planet earth.

Such as: Azores, Uruguay, Malacca, Singapore, Angola and Brazil, being in these regions the true Vasconcelos, this in reference to Portugal. Today the Vasconcelos are in almost every country in the world.

Vasconcelos also appear, by non-genetic line, people who used the surname due to dependency,

due to the superiority of the bosses, for political reasons, given the importance of the surname, what happened with the ancient Christians, especially the Jews to get rid of persecution, as the surname Vasconcelos was important in Portugal, they started to use this denomination.

Above all, because the Vasconcelos were part of the select families of the Portuguese togada nobility. Likewise, the natives of the colony, in order to deceive the colonizing authorities.

Africa, Asia and Brazil, when he was baptized, due to the importance of the godfather's surname when he was a Vasconcelos, historically different families became Vasconcelos, by this etymological path, at different times, different places, the same phenomenon happened

The surname Vasconcelos, with different etymological variables, the origins of the differences, date back to the true Vasconcelos, those of legitimately Portuguese origin, from the island of Madeira in relation to Portugal.

The Vasconcelos directed to other regions, all those whose ancestors were Portuguese, are normally the legitimate Vasconcelos referring to specifically Brazilian genealogy.

The different etymologies resulted from errors in notary records, in different regions of the world, Vasconcelos, Vasconcellos, Basconcellos, Vasconsellos, Vascogoncellos, Uasconcellos, Basconcillos, the errors are usually in Portuguese literature, the true Vasconcelos have only one L.

There is a variation as if the Vasconcelos were genuinely Portuguese, which is not true historically, as if the etymology had appeared in 1258.

to designate the honor of a fief, district of Braga.

Senhor João Peres de Vasconcelos, a nobleman who participated in the conquest of Servilha, Spain the oldest surname designated in Portuguese literature, the district still has a medieval palace from the 12th century, in honor of this designation.

With the birth of the origin of the surname in Portugal, the first dynasty of the Vasconcelos, however, the surname Vasconcelos, comes from Vasconça, a large Basque region in Spain.

The Vasconcelos who came to Brazil were important people in Portugal, in Brazil they were protected by the crown, gaining large tracts of land in the northeast.

They developed agriculture and cattle raising, sugar plantations, in colonial Brazil it was the northeastern elite, predominant in the following states: Bahia, Ceara, Paraíba, Piauí and Pernambuco.

In Pernambuco, there is a large concentration of Vasconcelos, especially in the cities: Recife and Olinda, standing out in all sectors of the State.

However, a significant group of Vasconcelos stayed in the city of Rio de Janeiro, occupying great positions in the imperial government.

The Vasconcelos also went to Minas Gerais, the central region where the city of Belo Horizonte is located, another group of Vasconcelos went to the interior of São Paulo, whose great patriarch, Francisco Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos.

Francisco Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, married Maria de Jesus Vasconcelos, had several sons and daughters between men and women, one of them Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, married to Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos.

Thus, the Vasconcelos, truly rich were those who stayed in the region of Ribeirão Preto, constituting two genealogical ramifications, and Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, left a fabulous inheritance in Franca do Imperador, near Ribeirão Preto.

They formatted two genealogies of the same family, one in Ribeirão Preto and region, I tried to study this genealogy of Ribeirão Preto, the Vasconcelos of this region, interior of São Paulo, the second genealogy in the Triângulo Mineiro in the region of Itapagipe Fazenda Moeda, the descendants of Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos.

When a boy talking to Primo Machado de Vasconcelos, understood by Primo Adriano, he told me that he went only once to visit his grandparents, with his father Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, being impressed with the wealth of the family, the Vasconcelos de Itapagipe lost this valuable heritage .

Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos in the Triângulo Mineiro in the region of Moeda Itapagipe, received a farm with many acres of land, had many sons and daughters between men and women.

Manoel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos married a Portuguese mining woman, Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos, sons and daughters, between men and women in the municipality of Itapagipe Minas Gerais: Cristiano Machado de Vasconcelos, Primo Machado de Vasconcelos, Quirino Machado de Vasconcelos, Olinto Machado de Machado de Vasconcelos, Antonio Machado de Vasconcelos, Rogério Machado de Vasconcelos, Antonino Machado de Vasconcelos, Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, uncle notó, Emília Machado de Vasconcelos, Rufina Machado de Vasconcelos and Fortunata Machado de Vasconcelos, Maria Olímpia Machado de Vasconcelos.

Thus, all Vasconcelos of the city of Itapagipe are descendants of these great patriarchs and matriarchs, however, Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, had five wives, with whom other sons and daughters, including daughters and sons with slaves, however, genealogically mischaracterized .

Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos, had between eight thousand and ten thousand bushels of land, thousands of cattle and slaves, today together with his wife Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos are buried in an old cemetery in Moeda, near Serra da Moeda, next to the graves of João Batista Carneiro and Cândida Rita Carneiro, the only sign of this cemetery is a huge cross, the old cemetery was transformed into a large sugarcane plantation, the owner of the farm, a citizen of the city of Uberaba, could never have interest in the memory of these couples.

Cousin Machado de Vasconcelos, one of the sons of Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos, married to Maria de Jesus Batista, known as Maria Bilica, sister of Manuel Batista Carneiro daughter of João Batista Carneiro and Cândida Rita Carneiro.

I, Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos, am a direct descendant of this genealogy, as well as of the genealogy of Manuel Batista Carneiro and Tereza Francisca de Jesus, brother and sister-in-law of Maria de Jesus Batista, Maria Bilica, also sister of Gerônima Evangelista de Jesus and Joaquim Batista Carneiro , I am also a genealogical result of the Dias da Silva family.

Cousin Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria de Jesus Batista, Maria Bilica, had several sons and daughters, among them Maria Gumercinda de Vasconcelos, married to Cristino Costa e Silva, foster son of Manuel Batista Carneiro, married to Tereza Francisca de Jesus.

Cristino Costa e Silva, married to Maria Gumercinda de Vasconcelos, daughter of Primo Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Bilica Batista, had several sons and daughters, among them Nicomedes Costa de Vasconcelos, married to Alicie Dias da Silva, daughter of João Dias da Silva, son by Belmiro Dias da Silva and Bárbara Dias da Silva and Ana de Jesus Batista, with Ana de Jesus Batista daughter of Manuel Batista Carneiro and Tereza Francisca de Jesus.

Nicomedes Costa de Vasconcelos and Alicie Dias da Silva, had several sons and daughters, among them, Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos, being himself.

Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos, married Regina Célia Pires Cruz de Vasconcelos, from the city of Viradouro, in the interior of São Paulo, as son Felipe Pires da Cruz de Vasconcelos.

However, all Vasconcelos de Itapagipe result from this genealogical history of the Vasconcelos, above all, from the genealogy of Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos.

The Vasconcelos do Triângulo Mineiro and their descendants, if you wish to know their genealogies, can only go back to the sons and daughters of Manuel Adriano Machado de Vasconcelos and Maria Fortunata de Vasconcelos.

Note: I confess with all honesty for me it was very difficult to write this genealogical synthesis, it took me decades to study the Vasconcelos, it was much easier to understand the complexity of all the philosophical theories, to learn Latin, Greek and Aramaic than to understand the history of the Vasconcelos, in the world and in Brazil, I just didn't give up because I wanted to pay tribute to the family, particularly Primo Machado de Vasconcelos and Nicomedes Costa de Vasconcelos.

Therefore, I could not fail to pay an exuberant tribute to the greatest surname in the world's family history, Os Vasconcelos.

Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos.

Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos
Enviado por Edjar Dias de Vasconcelos em 10/03/2022
Reeditado em 10/03/2022
Código do texto: T7469284
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