Dear and illustrious friends of the academy Edu I as a little connoisseur in science I want to show everything I did that I think that served as support and study for many connoisseurs and scholars in biology, physics, chemistry, astrologer and other sciences that must be analyzed in depth of a great discovery as a dream that I had and put in the basis of a study for many of the branch of science to analyze and study in depth and develop great theories and practices that I think will like here a lot because I’ve developed a little bit of myself to relate to many curious people who may have more curriculum and dedicate themselves more deeply in my work for a creation more atomic and effective to serve the world with more technologies and sciences of all kinds that in my view I only show a more comprehensive relativity that conceals a more logical question of the human being under life and his existence that I speak compared to a broader life of everything and more applicable to live that the human being can achieve more and evolution in life combining several atomic theories in a more superlative variety in which the study of life can be observed with a more defined and biology more complete using atomic combinations between its atomic and chemical elements to apply yet another more effective study of superlative biology as the true study of life begins with the knowledge and creation of life that started from nothing as it is said in Albert Einstein 's Big Beng theory that the universe was densely hot and exploded in an atomic formality that we can understand its creation and evolution of the particles into atoms in which life began and I want to show a little of my studies talking a little about alchemy and its relativities that made me think conductively about the four elements of nature that stabilize the human body that is combined in each atom, Looking, nobody says, but 60% of our body is oxygen. If we add carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, we have 95% of the total mass of the human being, which includes the 42 liters of water that circulate in an adult organism. It is the atoms of these four combined elements that form the protein, fat and carbohydrate molecules, the building blocks that make up all of our tissues. Therefore, the four are called elements of constitution. But it would all be nothing more than a large pile of molecules without the other 5%. Of the 92 chemical elements in nature, only seventeen are responsible for all the reactions that take place inside us, from breathing and energy production to the elimination of free radicals , molecules accused of leading us to aging, among other things in terms of we study the less distinct things more as we can see that everything is combined in a smaller fraction of an element as an atom that we can classify each Atoms, molecules and substances according to John Dalton .
John Dalton formulated an atomic model in 1808 that was able to make sense of some very important concepts within Chemistry, such as the concept of molecules, elements and substances. His model, which was proposed based on discussions in Ancient Greece by Democritus and Leucipo, determined that the atom had the following characteristics: it was spherical, massive, indivisible and indestructible.
Dalton associated the atom model with a billiard ball because of its similarity (massive and spherical) with his proposal. The following is the representation of the atom according to Dalton's model
Sphere that resembles a billiard ball - representation of Dalton's atomic model
The Dalton model is very useful to understand some important concepts such as:
Chemical element : set of atoms that have the same characteristics. In the following image, we have the representation of two chemical elements, since we have two different atoms.
Representation of two different chemical elements using the Dalton model.
Molecule: group of atoms. We have in the image below the representation of a molecule, since we have a group of atoms Dalton's model used to represent a molecule.
Substance: group of molecules. In the following image, we have the representation of a substance, since we have a group of identical molecules.
Group of identical molecules, according to the Dalton model, that form a substance:
Analyzing the following representation using the Dalton model, we can easily perceive the amount of atoms, elements, molecules and substances present:
In the image, there are seven atoms, three chemical elements, three molecules and three substances
Don't stop now ... There's more after the publicity; )
atoms : 7 (all spheres);
elements : 3 (red, green, pink);
molecules : 3 (red, green and pink group);
substances : 3 (red, green and pink group).
Dalton's model is still sufficient for us to understand the concept of simple substance . A substance is said to be simple when its molecules are formed exclusively by atoms of the same chemical element. The following is a representation of three simple substances :
Representation of three simple substances using the Dalton model
When analyzing the image, we realize that a molecule is formed only by blue atoms; the other, only for red; and the last, only by yellow atoms; which denotes that the three are representations of simple substances since they are formed by equal atoms (same element).
If we have in the Dalton model a molecule that has different atoms, we will have the representation of what we call a compound substance , which is nothing more than the substance formed by more than one type of atom, that is, more than one type of chemical element .
Representation of a compound substance according to the Dalton model
Finally, we have five molecules in the image below. Upon observing them, we will notice that they are all different from each other (different combinations of atoms), containing atoms of different elements. Therefore, in this image we will have five composite substances represented.
I intend to further improve this space by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily reach deeper into a metamorphosis that may open the door to a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that we can simply call the primordial atom.
Lemaître said that the entire universe was a single atom called " primordial atom ", he claimed that that atom fragmented into an extraordinary amount of pieces and each fragmented into smaller ones successively until reaching the current atoms.
What is the possible origin of the primordial atom?
The Big Bang theory was announced in 1948 by the American naturalized Russian scientist, George Gamow (1904-1968) and Belgian priest and astronomer Georges Lemaître (1894-1966). According to them, the universe would have appeared after a great cosmic expansion, between 10 and 20 billion years ago.
What were the main stages of the Universe's evolution?
Inflationary phase: origin of the fundamental forces of space and time (when the Universe increased its size by 90 times, it became colder and less dense); Opaque universe : phase of the first minutes of life, when helium and hydrogen originated (in this stage, everything was so dense that the light did not propagate )
For an atom to form in the primordial universe , it was necessary for the universe to cool down to the point that a proton could capture an electron, to form the simplest hydrogen atom . ... The first molecule to form in the universe was helium hydride, or HeH +.
Our Universe remained a monotonous opaque soup of hydrogen and helium nuclei, too hot for electrons to join protons and form atoms . When this happened, the famous cosmic microwave background was released.
Through Cosmology, we are able to measure the composition of the universe in four components: Radiation (formed by the photon , which are particles of light), “baryonic” matter (which constitutes everything we know), dark matter and dark energy. ... And although it is very important in the evolution of the universe , few know about it.
Supposedly nothing existed before the moment when our universe was the size of a point with infinite density, known as a space-temporary exclusivity.
I want to make it clearer and more efficient that I speak below about an alchemy that is more effectively focused that starts from the invisible as the universe that was space-temporary in which we can observe the laws of alchemy when everything gets hot and dissembles between various particles that it is extinguished to an atom that is the smallest fraction of an element capable of entering into a supposed former, indivisible moment and short space. I intend to improve this space more by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily reach deeper about a metamorphosis that could open the doors of a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that we can simply call a more perfect relativity that we could to think about the study of the elements and that we can find the fifth essence of life that is based on a more specific foundation that would be to everything as a god who is omnipotent in all things present in which we can understand that we are omnipresent on the material plane and that we pass on to the spirit that is nuclear chemistry and subtle electricity, reviving each atom in the smallest fraction of an element and when we combine we become a spiritual or mystical being that are called in astrology. I intend to improve this space more by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily reach deeper about a metamorphosis that could open the doors of a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that we can simply call a more perfect relativity that we could think about the study of the elements and that we can find the fifth essence of life in which relativity is more specific as to the laws of life that may have originated from the beginning of the world that springs from the deep silence of space where we can classify it as the invisible relativity of life, and at that point I am very curious and anxious for all those confines that are more deeply qualified for all purposes more related to the more intimate and pure existence of life. I want to talk a little bit about alchemy and that we can understand a little under this science that we can find more explanations for our lives and thank you!
The origin of alchemy is lost in time, being older than the history of mankind. Its true beginning is unknown and shrouded in obscurity and mystery. Thus, its appearance is confused with the origin and evolution of man on Earth. The origin of alchemy is quite uncertain, since there are alchemical accounts in several ancient civilizations, such as Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Mesopotamians, Hindus, Chinese and Japanese. However, it is generally considered that its beginning occurred around the 3rd century BC , in Alexandria. And classified today, we come as a vehicle for various things in life in which we can develop various related purposes such as an extensive light on various developments of human capacity on earth as a creative flow to every possibility of life and existence on a great and infinite trajectory. of pulse on life as things can be identified about love and hate in which everything is alchemy as alchemy for several things in which a combined and pacified relationship with human nature and of all existence is absorbed between both things of life in which we can transmute various things and transform into something living or imaginary about a point of restoration between spirit as nuclear chemistry and matter as atomic nuclei that we see in everything and transcribe everything and perfect ourselves over a great and extraordinary alchemy relatively imposed on life being used as functions of creation on any existences p for the material man who sees life more prone to death as for the space man who sees life stencil over all nature in which we can classify ourselves superlatively on the natural elements as substances of creation being used in each atom as matter of the fifth essence remaining above all in the background where we can see how life started taking into account its relativities like that of the primordial atom as a result of the relationships and existences of god and devil about the creation of heaven and hell perhaps over good and evil how the law of the whole existence of life was transformed and created when its unwary when the great transformation of life was generated in which drastically concentrated small fractions of atoms in which they combined on a great existence on a great explosion that was formed of the particles seminal on certain atomic and chemical elements on a relationship between the radioactivity, electricity and magnetism to the lquimiar formed from particles in atoms to life with each element of nature being created and contained over four existence in which nature was classified and classified as water, air, earth and fire in which we can say that it was created life and the planets as the earth that was formed among the four elements that went through alchemical transformations that we can also classify among themselves by a body called the atomic nucleus that naturally went through a transformation of atomic and nuclear development that we have life in earth almost like fifth pleasure getting the atom, protons and neutrons combined and formed into an atomic nucleus that we are also the ones that have water, air, fire and earth as related elements and as generators of our life existence getting created on the earth as oxygen, blood, body, combustion and we are human beings that we can classify ourselves as also earthly or space beings in which we take as matter and spirit and soul of the things that we abide and that we can transmute between a cycle of both the earth and the universe, being established on a relativity of universal nature in which, through an alchemy, we homogenize ourselves on a deeper relativity in which we can transform ourselves from the dense to the subtle and the subtle in dense that we mean from chin and yang that is from heaven and earth that I mean from bottom to top and from top to bottom, matter being a spiritual being the nucleus transmutable by the energy of the spirit, which is nuclear chemistry that is established on the sidereal planes of the universe when man may be able to understand its transformation and combination that atoms enter into transformation and subtle combinations passing from the dense that is the matter as atomic nucleus to the spirit that is the nuclear chemistry and the soul the electricity subtle that had been combined on the same magnetic and subtle relationship of the universe, the matter being more static on an alchemy more related to seventh sense staying on the fifth essence of life in what we call the relativity of life where all the atomic elements of life are formalized and formed forming a living and statically developed being on the planes of universal nature.
When we talk about transmutation into relativity it would be general because we would be entering into an alchemical process of a more indivisible variety as perhaps a step on god who is omnipotent and has no beginning or end almost as much as the universe that is infinite about things omnipresent as the man who can understand every detail narrated in this story that things are born from the invisible to the naked eye when there is a general understanding about the relativities of life in which life and death are distinguished about a relativity in which man can create and give life over. certain subjects staying as a study for the future of the humanity on the scientific criteria that are based peacefully in the laws of God as a study of the divine omnipotence on the relativities of alchemy or the alchemy of relativities as a dream and it fables that we will be able to value the existence of life about death and death about life for being more vivid about all human relationships of man in the world misses.
Ladies and gentlemen, I come here with an intro to tell you about my imaginations that I explain to you as a study of an alchemy that I studied and dream that may be more generalized to the infinite itself or homogenized to the universe that I tell you that there is scientific magic as well as makes magic in a sense of reaching the eternity that we never imagined by existing and being on the invisible of things that can become visible on an extensive desire to subsist behind life, making all transformations in which God may have passed and transformed the the very origin of life and when we talk about transmutation into relativity it would be general because we would be entering into an alchemical process of a more indivisible variety as perhaps a step on god who is omnipotent and has no beginning or end almost as much as the universe which is infinite about things omnipresent as the man who can understand every detail narrated in this story that things are born of the invisible with the naked eye when there is a general understanding about the relativities of life in which life and death are distinguished about a relativity in which man can create and give life on certain matters, remaining as a study for the future of humanity on the scientific criteria that are based peacefully on the laws of god as a study of divine omnipotence on the relativities of alchemy or the alchemy of relativities as a dream and it fables that we can value the existence of life over death and death over life for being more living on all human relations of man on earth.
I want to talk a little bit about the atomists of ancient Greece who classified matter as the elements of nature that like: fire , water , earth and air that mixed in different proportions, would result in different physicochemical properties like Aristotle's theory that shows this composition between the human body in which we call material and which we can transmute certain substances of the invissible that will go through an alchemical process to become material that we call the natural plane in which we can transmute from the spiritual side to the material state.
Atomists in ancient Greece
The atomists , headed by Democritus and his professor Leucipo , thought that matter was made up of tiny, invisible particles, the atoms (A-tome ), "Without division". They thought that if we divided and divided again, the process would eventually stop.
For Democritus, the great variety of materials in nature came from the movements of different types of atoms that, when colliding, formed larger sets generating different bodies with their own characteristics. Some of Democritus' ideas about atoms:
Water : formed by slightly spherical atoms (water drains easily).
Earth : formed by cubic atoms (the earth is stable and solid)
Air : formed by swirling atoms in motion (the air moves - winds).
Fire : formed by sharp atoms (fire hurts).
Soul : formed by the smoothest, most delicate and most active atoms that exist.
Breathing : it was considered an exchange of atoms, in which new atoms replace used atoms.
Democritus' foundations for atoms have taken shape over time. Epicurus ( 341 BC - approximately 270 BC ) complemented his ideas by suggesting that there was a limit to the size of atoms, thus justifying the reason for being invisible.
But, even so, the most defended theory was that of Aristotle who believed that matter would consist of elements of nature such as fire , water , earth and air that mixed in different proportions, would result in different physicochemical properties.
In my conception that it is about the criteria of life in which biology is classified in five kingdoms or even more because nature is a set of lives in which we can classify here all the kingdoms to have a logic and a transformation of life about death and death on life that in everything and with everything in invisible alchemy we can show as the essence of life the mineral, vegetable, animal and soul kingdom that we can transcribe the fifth essence of life on an invisible world of transformation and transmutation in which the relativity of alchemy begins with the kingdoms in which we can transmute and bring to life both raw and dense materials that are dense and subtle that are processed by the soul that are invisible and pass through the soul realm as the fifth essence turning into the fifth pleasure in which we materialize as an atom in the smallest fraction of a substantial element the life in which we can make an invisible alchemy that has gone through a process of transformation then re the body, spirit and soul to create a substance, both natural image mentalized by the mental conscience to the subconscious state of the human mind that will be transformed to the natural state of the matter being both liquid and solid that we will be able to classify some existence transformed in life by invisible alchemy in what we call the fifth essence.
Living world: presentation of the kingdoms
The modern classification system, which distributes living beings in five great kingdoms - Monera, Protista, Fungi , Metaphyta and Metazoa -, was devised by RH Whittaker , in 1969. Thus, the known species of living beings are distributed in specific kingdoms, according to certain classification criteria.
Basic classification criteria
For the classification of living beings in the five great kingdoms, the following criteria were used :
type of cellular organization - defines whether living beings are prokaryotes or eukaryotes, that is, whether they are destitute or possess nuclear membrane, nucleolus and mem-brane organelles in their cells;
number of cells - considers whether living beings are single-celled or multicellular;
type of nutrition - indicates whether the organisms are autotrophic or heterotrophic; this criterion also considers the way in which heterotrophs obtain their food: whether by absorption or by ingesting the available organic material.
The five great kingdoms
According to the establishment of the mentioned classification criteria, the world saw you was divided into the following kingdoms:
Monera Kingdom - Covers all single-celled and prokaryotic organisms, represented by bacteria and cyanobacteria or cyanophytes, also known as blue algae.
Protista Kingdom - Comprises unicellular and eukaryotic organisms, such as protozoans and certain algae.
Fungi Kingdom - Comprises all fungi, which can be single or multicellular and are eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms by absorption.
Reino Plantae or Metaphyta - Covers multicellular organisms, eukaryotes and autotrophs . This kingdom, also known as the kingdom of plants, includes multicellular algae , bryophytes (mosses and liverworts), pteridophytes (such as ferns and apricots), gymosperms (such as pines and redwoods) and angiosperms ( ipês, lemon trees, beans, grass, etc.
Kingdom Animalia or Metazoa - Comprises multicellular organisms, eukaryotes and heterotrophs by ingestion. This kingdom encompasses all animals, from porifers to mammals .
Here I leave a great explanation about the beautiful images that are passing from a stream of our minds in which we create well for a circumstance of our subconscious and we can by the alchemy of creation transmute to give life as the fifth pleasure that we call the fifth essence of life that we will know about this with atomic study of the atom on life in which we classify as relativities of life on a great and alchemical transformation between the natural elements that have become liquid and solid substances on life in a study well focused on alchemy and chemistry in which we build life.
I want to enter a more qualified state in which life is formed by an atom in which its particles constitute life and all the natural elements that pass between the atomic forces of the universe in which we can simplify the search for existence and life simply using of each protein atom, of transmuting vitamin the most variable liquid and solid atomic constructions in subsistence of life in which we will now show about the superlative atom to all creations:
The word atom was proposed by the Greek atomist Democritus in 400 BC, to define the smallest constituent particle of matter. However, it is known nowadays that atoms are divisible, but the word continues to be used to designate an organized, very small structure that makes up all types of materials.
The classic atomic model consists of the sum of the scientists' ideas
Rutherford, Bohr and Chadwick , ideas that we will study in our class below. This consists of a small and heavy central nucleus that contains two elementary particles called protons and neutrons, and a peripheral portion called the electrosphere, where the electrons have small mass fundamental particles that make orbits around the nucleus. Look at the figure below.
Through the figure it can be seen that the radius of the nucleus is considerably less than the total radius of the atom, in real dimensions the radius of the atom is about 10 thousand to 100 thousand times greater than the radius of the atomic nucleus.
The fundamental particles of the atom, called protons, electrons and neutrons, are very small , but different in mass. The mass of the proton is very close to the mass of the neutron, the mass of the electron being approximately 1836 times less than that of the proton.
Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge,
since neutrons are devoid of electric charge.
The fundamental physical characteristics of these particles are given below in relative values.
II. Fundamental Concepts.
Atom : extremely small and organized structure that composes all types of materials
Atomic number : it is represented by the symbol Z and determines the total number of protons that exist in the nucleus of an atom. Remember that the atom is an electrically system
Neutral, so the number of protons and electrons is identical for a given atom.
Z = number of protons
Atomic mass number : as we already know, the atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus. Thus, the number of the atomic mass (A) is given by the sum of the number of protons and neutrons of that atom, as shown in the formula:
A = p + n or A = Z + n
Chemical element : corresponds to a set of atoms with the same number of protons (atomic number). In nature we can find atoms with different numbers of atomic mass, but with the same number of protons, these atoms are called ISOTOPES and constitute a chemical element.
1H2 1H3 These atoms have different masses, but belong to the
hydrogen element .
The hydrogen isotopes represented above can be called: tritium, deuterium and protium , respectively.
Representing a chemical element:
ZEA or Z
An element that has 17 protons and 18 neutrons is represented as follows:
Isotopy - Isobaria - Isotonia
In nature we can find elements or chemical species that have the same number of protons (isotopes), or with the same mass number (isobars), or with the same number of neutrons ( isotones ). Observe the schematic table:
ELEMENT Z = ( No. of p +) A ( No. P + No. N ) N (A - Z)
Isotopy = ¹ ¹
Isobaria ¹ = ¹
Isotony ¹ ¹ =
59Pr140 isobars
20Ca40 isotones
8O17 isotopes
Different simple substances that are formed by the same chemical element are defined as allotropic varieties. Always one of the allotropic varieties is the most stable and abundant in nature. The main examples are:
Diadiamante , Cgrafite * and C60 ( fullerene )
O2 * and O3
White and Red *
Srombico * and Smonoclínico
* more stable allotropic form.
III - Ions.
They are atoms in electrical imbalance, that is, atoms that have gained or lost
electrons .
12Mg0 2e- + 12Ca2 + (note that the magnesium atom loses two electrons)
The magnesium atom has 12 protons and 12 electrons.
The magnesium ion has 12 protons and 10 electrons, so its charge is 2+.
7N0 + 3e 7N3- (note that the nitrogen atom receive electrons 3)
The nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons.
The nitrogen ion has 7 protons and 10 electrons, so its charge is 3.
In my philosophy everything that God creates with love is built with a feeling about the living nature of a being who would be more eager to understand him because in him everything is as clear as the sunlight that is showing us on the clear side of life the beautiful things that we cling to that we simply do not attack because it is made of love that is over any void that breaks over the human inability to be happy or to love someone in life that is simply not being enlightened before God because they are relapsed by nature divine that you cannot resemble the true being that God made and created about all things in paradise that we could not deceive you with the negative uncertainties that insolate life before the soft light of God that is over all things deep and at altitudes that we may someday understand your space and time about our realities that are not so extensive when there is no light from our stimuli we would not have understood his love and existence in our lives because in everything God did, he created the paradise of the bankrupt and embarrassed who perverted from the bad about the truth that cannot remain silent, invisible about everything that God created on the land of obstinate men and uncertain of controversial compassions about an unfaithful desire that perhaps a child would humanly bring this love to be more alive on the electricity that consoles our thoughts and makes us believe that the world is perfect and that we can still be happy and that perhaps we will remain intact constructively on the pretexts of God that made us enlightened by the fury of the teaching love that loves us and makes us love what is good to see and feel pleasure because life would simply be a sounding board in which its rhythm can melody us over all positive forms and forces of life that never bent over the shadows that break behind the light of day trying to forget the fear of darkness that plagues the innocent who are yet to know the world how beautiful and perfect it is because god made you about all aspects that have not been destroyed and that the truth remains of the loves that were not absorbed by god or that any anonymity that could have been prescribed by word of god as they say that angels are more careful to stay alive and yearn for the transformation of the existence of god over mortals who are consumed by madness, farce, emotional illusion that will anger the minds of men who have not yet understood to simplify their love for life how to love god over all the things that are inevitable and together we can always unite because it was god who made you and the stars in the sky as perhaps an anger that we will one day be able to thank you and ask you to be faithful to like a straight arrow with no deviation that cannot be of our unassailable nature to the world that can become an illusion to the weakest without love who may perhaps feel that they have been made of the flower of life. the paradise that we will unforgettable always find what we are looking for because we simply learn to love and hate to consolidate ourselves on all aspects of being happy for many years that will keep life pulsating and creating certain devices that someday we will understand your pleasures and all that God created because we are children of god and we experience the light of life in our eyes and faces that show us how beautiful we are and become strengthened in our memory that we testify our love for life as we pacify in the material planes the seeds that we simply keep in the soul of our thoughts that are completed about the forms and achievements we reach in life as a state of time on the occasion of graces that we learn to value the life that plagues us with the foolishness of youth and we see that everything that god created would be perfect because we are likeness of god and in my philosophy I simply want to say that if it was god who made us we are innate or homogeneous that at anonymity of the hidden affections we could complete ourselves about his love that he made us because we would not be alive to be happy about some inferior indifference of his nature that remains for as long as no unfavorable expression to the only affection that made us greater over all that we are likeness of love that maybe we cannot say from the inside out in a few more that it is simplified in divine theory that everything that god created was with love and we learn from life less or more with his artifacts to value what god did because we would not be so small and big in hand of god that completed us over his image and love that can never be small over all the hidden affections that unleash the pure realistic compassion of living, loving and being happy because in a few years or perhaps millennia from the depths of our souls that someday we will find free from hell in paradise.
We live because we must conduct ourselves on certain ways of conquering our ideals that roll over our purposes like a machine repeatedly pulsating a flow course that is designated over a nuclear chemistry that we call a spirit that at the alchemical hour of a transmutation or transformation is extracted of the spirit of the thing that is magnificent and processed while passing an essence that passes with raw and liquid elements to form something simply attractive used for good on ceremonial occasions or evil on ceremonial occasions that we will think and heat up to 90 degrees centigrade some elements with alchemical purposes that had become something substantial to what we are looking for as the fifth pleasure, the seventh sense and the fifth essence to formalize ourselves about such alchemical existences of a true alchemy that is combined between the spirit that is transferred in that heat between materials of some liquid formulation or solidify our dreamed pleasures of doing something different that it is valuable as an absinthe on great transformations in step of the soul that we call subtle energy. In fact the soul and spirit are different things? ... Breath also has the idea of spirit or soul, because the spirit gives life, which resembles Genesis 2: 7: God created man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, transforming him into a living being.
Perhaps we can versify this story because it would be more comprehensive to show that it was created from the spirit of gold powder as well as the elixir of long life in a substantial liquid for certain purposes of living on a life that we simply call alchemical and we can certainly describe it. and say that it in everything and for everything may be absinthe because it happened between processes of alchemical transformations to a certain point in which the spirit is combined like an atom that was processed by the spirit that we call this thing, which is the spirit of something that took a heat between adsorbed elements and symbolized by an occasion of time that passed between 90º centigrade degrees that substantially we can say that it was transmuted and transformed to a pleasure and liquid heat that we call the spirit of the thing that is like an absinthe that in passage of life over the forces of nature and a setback of heat or combustion that would symbolize love and hate alchemy in manifestation of the fire which is where the flame of the genius called salamander is, which are also being absorbed by the undines that are geniuses of water that in everything and by everything were fluidized on certain combustions in which it was made to die or live certain alchemical elements on the power of the centrifuge, which is a device or machine whose operation makes use of the centrifugal acceleration obtained through the rotation of a container and which serves to separate substances of different densities; centrifuge. Also called Force centripetal is the resultant force that pulls the body to the center of the track in a curved or circular movement. Objects that move in a uniform rectilinear motion have a constant modular speed that, in combustion, certain crude or solid elements that have been converted into water or passed through are absorbed and will be transformed into powder that will pass into the material state, forming the gold that is dense becoming subtle state in transmutation of the spirit that is the nuclear chemistry that in alchemy is called or can be combined with certain elements at a certain time and hour in a combustion and heat of 90º degrees centigrade called the spirit of the thing that is simply the chemistry nuclear that had transformed from the dense into gold called raw matter and the subtle that had transmuted into liquid called chemistry or alchemical element in its state of grace or reached temperature that is like an absinthe that is transformed into life or raw matter either element or liquid that substantially it was transmuted in an alchemical process called soul absinthe.
Composed of several parts and solid and humid throughout the region, I happen to be an atomic nucleus that struggles as raw material more than most restored in life in a human magnetic duel turned by the subtle force of the soul, which is the power transformed into an act that is electricity .
Clearing every conscious and subconscious mind of being and there is always a life in each one that always gives one a spiritual life that is generated by the holy spirit or spirit beyond a nucleus is nuclear chemistry.
Invisible, strong and vital or the light of existing life that by the nature of one or the creation of a life, nuclear chemistry pulsates within the nucleus , which is extinguished in various functions, which is something that no one goes too deep with unshakable conscience to put in conflict being with the soul or perhaps being in conflict with the Self.
Spirit of struggle, spirit of life or whoever gives life to us always until the turn of life or time.
The essence of everything in life that we have acquired with wisdom and perfection is for us and our blessed mind in the conscious state to then turn around in a tremendous and formidable recorder that we call people's subconscious.
Alma give life to things like music, books, visionary creators and etc !
All for the love of those who have done everything in soul!
It is consistent, fabulous, rich and intelligent and there is always in us the soul to shine, a formation equivalent to the higher self as the lower self at the base of the construction.
Umbanda was founded on November 15, 1908 in a Spiritist Federation in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. At that time, Zélio Fernandino de Moraes , guided by a friend of his father's, was taken to the Spiritist Federation due to an apparent cure he had received, because in an inexplicable way by medicine, he was cured of a strange paralysis in which he had been affected. Once there, he was invited by the leader to participate in the session that would take place there.
After the session, Zélio , taken by an unknown force, stood up saying: “ Here a flower is missing! ”And, contrary to the rules that do not allow the removal of any member of the table during the session, he went to the garden and returned with a white rose, which he placed on the table. That attitude caused great strangeness among the members who were there. With the "chain" restored, there was a manifestation of various spirits of indigenous and African slaves in the mediums present, when the director of the work warned such spirits inviting them to leave due to their supposed spiritual backwardness. Zélio , still taken by that strange force, reports that he only remembers hearing his voice questioning why those leaders did not accept the communication of such spirits and consider them backward due to their colors and social positions while alive. In an attempt to remove the unknown spirit embodied in Zélio , one of those responsible for the table questioned:
After all, why does the brother speak in these terms, intending that this table accepts the manifestation of spirits that, due to the degree of culture they had when incarnated, are clearly backward? And what is your name, brother? "
The answer expressed by Zélio was:
“(... ) if the spirits of blacks and Indians are late, I must say that tomorrow I will be at the house of this device ( Zélio ), to start a cult in which these blacks and Indians will be able to give their message and, thus, fulfill the mission that the spiritual plane has entrusted to them. It will be a religion that will speak to the humble, symbolizing the equality that must exist between all the incarnated and disincarnated brothers. And if you want to know my name, let it be Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas, because there will be no closed paths for me. ”
The following day, Zélio's house received members of the Spiritist Federation, relatives, friends and strangers, and at 8:00 pm Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas manifested himself in Zélio and declared that, from that moment on, a new religion began, where the spirits Indians and black slaves could work helping their incarnated brothers, regardless of their color or social position, and that their name would be Umbanda. The group founded that night by Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas was called the Spiritist Tent Nossa Senhora da Piedade, as the tent would welcome those who turned to it for help.
Umbanda Branches
Despite following the same principle and similar concepts, there are several Umbanda strands:
Traditional Umbanda: from Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas through Father Zélio de Moraes;
Umbanda Popular: practiced before Pai Zélio , known as macumbas or candomblés de caboclos;
Umbanda Branca: it has a spiritist stamp, it is a doctrinal line that is more linked to the work of guides such as blacks and caboclos, and African elements are not found, such as the orixás, nor the work of exus and pomba-giras ;
Umbanda Omolokô : brought from Africa by Tatá Tancredo de Silva Pinto, it is a mix between the cult of the orixás and the work of the guides;
Umbanda Traced: the same priest serves for Umbanda and Candomblé, but in different sessions;
Umbanda Esoterica: its difference is in some segments of Oliveira Magno, Emanuel Zespo and WW da Matta, because they call umbanda as a set of divine laws;
Umbanda Iniciática : derived from esoteric umbanda and based on Mestre Rivas Neto. There is a search for doctrinal convergence and the reach of the Convergence and Synthesis Point and, in addition, it has an oriental influence;
Umbanda de Caboclo: influenced by the Brazilian indigenous culture, whose guides are the caboclos;
Umbanda of black-old people: influenced by African culture, with worship of the Orixás, and where the command is made by the old blacks.
There is in this term a sequence of magical forces that is put into beneficial action that in various opinions that are more superlative as knowledge that until today a certain doctrine prevails over every scratched point and formalized concept that we assure as proof of magical healing by the elements of nature and by elements that I post on exact measures of magical trials that can be of any human nature or object of any precedence of offering to the plans of the true umbanda that grows between a great germination of positive energies in negative, positive contacts that are involved over certain magical virtues of can complete us at the right time, contradictory effects to our benefit that we fully assure ourselves with our attitudes and ceremonies of growth and evolution that makes us flow through the positive and negative current of all nature certain supernatural powers pacifying us in all universal laws and of the terrestrial planes that are in contact and there are countless electrical generators in contact with the matter that is used as an electronic conductor, passing in an existential way to everyone and everything surrounding overloading all matter in a state of combination like an atom in the smallest fraction of an alleged element formerly indivisible moment and short space that transmutes several supermagnetic charges related to a theoretical criterion exercised by magic words and raw materials in which one can transfer something of overloads through a base of enchantments and envelopments with the relativities exercised by the umbanda that passes magnetically every form in every raw element, or living matter that successively combines the desirable hour with its artifacts and materials that reach the heights and the depths exerting values of annihilable potentiations reaching the subtle 90 degrees of superlative rays by a dynamic exercised by working with certain objects of values that make us pass all sympathy if Turned into magical force all the elements that are in states of grace that soon enter into an invisible combination, moving on to a superior formulation of centripetal and centrifugal forces, which is where all the existence of the universe comes from, emanating superlatively over all the positive and negative effects that all expanding nature develops with the universe and the earth causing a healing effect on the sick or weakened by the negative forces that manipulate the positive reactions of life that is and where all health is.
I want to tell you that we live in a contagious and devastating world that, due to the magical magnitude of life, everything and everything comes together to complete or create more existences over all sources, forms of life of any species and in any element because the universe is a constant pulse and never stops touching its synchrony like an existential sounding board to put everything in life or death in a combination of construction and destruction causing an effect of creation to everyone and everything because nature is an emanation of currents superlatives to all life.
I want to make it very clear that Umbanda or Quimbanda is related to these current impulses that both bring about the good and bad functioning of material things, followed by the cosmological strength and development of each entity in the merger of a joint venture on the forms and forces of all nature that has succeeded in transmuting with the development of the holy spirit at the same time in a spontaneous moment of blind faith, works, offerings to a fixed desire of the sorcerer that always persists until it is homogenized with the forces of nature, all work is totally accomplished with everything remaining on a magical basis established in the material planes of those who practice the old umbanda or white magic.
Dear and illustrious friends of the academy Edu I as a little connoisseur in science I want to show everything I did that I think will serve as support and study for many connoisseurs and scholars in biology, physics, chemistry, astrologer and other sciences that must be analyzed at background of a great discovery as a dream that I had and put in the basis of a study for many in the field of science to analyze and study in depth and develop great theories and practices that I think here will like a lot because I unfolded a little bit of myself to to relate to many curious people who may have more curriculum and to dedicate themselves more deeply in my work for a more atomic and effective creation to serve the world with more technologies and sciences of all kinds that in my view I just show a more comprehensive and relativity thank you very much to everyone from the heart of the writer Roberto Barros.
By: Roberto BarroS