T omorrou read in my space about this...
H istory of payment to my sister in law...
E ndless I received my month´s pay day!!!
D ear friend nobody here in this house...
A nother Sister in law going to São Paulo…
Y es, she was visit your brother is sick!!!
A nything else about my visit in Friday...
F itness day she is my personal trainer…
T rue and lies about my visit on afternoon...
E nter in bedroom after bath at now...
R esting my body because I´m tired!!!
W ithout my wife she was her fitness…
I am not other place with her personal trainer...
T ogether is not possible, she has´nt time…
H er childrem going to scholl and arrive!!!
H ow are you my friend I did´nt lies now…
E very day we love much and no have time...
R esting with my Sister in law in other place!!!
Author´s note:- Today, May, 3rd, 2 h pm, in Sister in law house!!!