Richard Foxe 


Reared as any other child

Instructed in thorough faith, he was;

Christianity was his path, though mild

Herod - pain inflicting - in Christmas.

Attentive mind, ingenious eyes

Read the Universe’s expanded lines

Disclosing his own limpid signs.


Fashioning his quick-witted, intuitive perception

Only to demolish so massive a misconception;

X-man’s rays he laid on doubtful mysteries

Examined them from disintegrating groceries.


Richard Foxe 


Reared as any other child

Instructed in thorough faith, he was;

Christianity was his path, though mild

Herod - pain inflicting - in Christmas.

Attentive mind, ingenious eyes

Read the Universe’s expanded lines

Disclosing his own limpid signs.


Fashioning his quick-witted, intuitive perception

Only to demolish so massive a misconception;

X-man’s rays he laid on doubtful mysteries

Examined them from disintegrating groceries.


Singela homenagem ao primeiro amigo no RdL.


René Henrique Götz Licht
Enviado por René Henrique Götz Licht em 04/07/2019
Reeditado em 19/01/2023
Código do texto: T6687927
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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