

Petúnias em degradê

Rosas de todos tons

Iris matizando o amarelo e o azul

Margaridas embranquecendo o branco

Assim ela vem chegando

Vem trazendo suas cores

Entre perfumes essenciais

Ritos naturais são proferidos

Além, muito além, do entendimento...




Fragmento de Imagem do ChatGPT, sob o prompt: A stylized image of a vibrant garden featuring petunias in gradient colors, roses in various shades, irises blending yellow and blue, and daisies brightening the white. The scene is filled with a soft, ethereal atmosphere, where the flowers seem to emit a delicate glow. The focus is solely on the flowers, with no figure present. The air is filled with the essence of flowers, while nature performs silent, almost mystical rituals beyond human understanding, enhancing the serene and mystical feel of the garden.



23/09/2024 - Formatação avançada e ilustração.