Poem Number:1353.
by Sílvia Araújo Motta
John Guimarães Rosa
Was Brazilian novelist;
Probably the greatest
Brazilian novelist
Born In the 20th. Century.
He served as a volunter doctor
Of the Public Force
In the Constitucionalist
Guimarães Rosa went
to Barbacena in 1933 in the
position of Capitain-Doctor
of the 9th Armed Battalion .
(Oficial Capitão-Médico do 9º
Batalhão de Infantaria).
Most of his life was spent
as a Brazilian Diplomat
in Europe and Latin America.
Guimarães Rosa was born
In Cordisburgo:27-June-1938,
In the state of Minas Gerais,
The first of six children
of Floduardo Pinto Rosa,
“Nickname” Seu Fulô,
and his mother Chiquitinha.
He had two daughters:
Vilma and Agnes Rosa.
Guimarães Rosa still a child,
he moved to his grandparents' house
in Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais,
where he finished primary school.
He began his secondary schooling
at the Santo Antônio College
in São João del Rei-Minas Gerais.
but soon returned to Belo Horizonte,
to Medicine of Minas Gerais University.
Guimarães Rosa best-known
Works in the biggest novel:
“Grande Sertão-Veredas”
translated as the truth:
“The Devil to Pay
in the backlands”
the famous story
with many reality.
He was a humanist man.
The principal personage
In the novel is Riobard,
A good poet that makes
A dealwith Lucipher
In order to eliminate
Hermogenes from the
Backlands, a metaphor
for brazilian literature.
He wrote others books:
Caçador de Camurças,
Chronos Kai Anagke,
The mistery of Highmore
E Makiné(1929),Lava(1936)
Sagarana,the duel(1946).
Com o Vaqueiro Mariano:
With the Cowboy Mariano(1947)
Corpo de Baile (1956)
Grande Sertão: Veredas (1956)
Primeiras Estórias
(First Stories, 1962, made
into a movie called
“A Terceira Margem do Rio”
Tutaméia ? Terceiras Estórias (1967)
In memoriam: João Guimarães
Rosa (1968), posthumous
Estas Estórias e Ave, Palavra
(1969/1970, posthumous...
Guimarães Rosa spoke French
before he was seven years old!
Later spoke Portuguese, German,
Esperanto, English, Italian,
Swedish, Spanish, Russian,
Dutch, Greek, Tupi, Latin…
He wrotes others:Hungarian,
Arabic, Sanscrit,Finnish,
He was chosen by unanimous
vote to enter the Brazilian
Academy of Letters/RJ. (1963)
in his second candidacy.
After postponing for 4 years,
he assumed his position
in 1967: just three days before
mysteriously passing away
after a big emotion,
from a heart attack.
He died:19-November-1967/RJ.
He was only 59 years.
DONATION of Books about Guimarães Rosa.
*Superintendent of Foundation Guimarães Rosa,Colonel:Álvaro AntônioNicolau(ALJGR/PMMG)
*Teacher Colonel: João Bosco de Castro(ALJGR/PMMG)
*Teacher Sílvia Araújo Motta(ALJGR/PMMG)
Congress Biblical International:
Cientistas da BÍBLIA E TEÓLOGOS da Europa, América Latina, Ásia e África.PALESTRANTES:Alemanha, Brasil, Itália, Líbano, Ghana, México, Colômbia, Holanda e outros na Tábula-Redonda.
DONATION: 25 Books of the Foundation Guimarães Rosa,
and one Glorioso Tormentório, both in Língua Portuguesa.