2620-UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION Homage-poem By Sylvia (de Lourdes) ARAÚJO MOTTA/Brazil



By Sylvia (de Lourdes) ARAÚJO MOTTA/Brazil

U-Universal Peace Federation

N-Nobly Family of conscience about

I-Important of PEACE in the world,

V-Valuable walk of action in the life,

E-Effetctive work through experience,

R-Real to apply the principles of peace.

S-Strong Family places in evidence

A-A international harmony and culture,

L-Liberty with interreligious cooperation,


P-Promote universal moral-spiritual values,

E-Exaltation to GOD of the CREATION,

A-Association the “School of Love and Peace”

C-Conciliation to communion of all people,

E-Elevation of the mind “God's way of life.”


F-Fundamental is the cooperation beyond of

E-Ethnicity, religion and all nationality,

D-Day by Day is crescent:Federation of Peace;

E-Eternal Father, “God is the ultimate reality”

R-Resultant in this “worldwide peace force

A-And the sake of humanity´s future” There are

T-The Activists of the Peace in more 180 Nations with

I-Integrity and respect recognize the FOUNDERS:

O-Organization:Rev.and Mrs.Sun Myung Moon and

N-National Chairman:Rev.Chung.H.Kwak and the

---Secretary-General:Dr. Thomas G.Walsh.(in 2001)


“Peace is freedom in tranquility. “



Silvia Araujo Motta
Enviado por Silvia Araujo Motta em 10/12/2009
Código do texto: T1970295
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro