life chance

It is passion in my heart

Very hot emotion

Words do not explain

Answers to questions

The chance does not exist

Let the song end

Feeling is the end point

I want you now

Love is true

Love life is you

End of confusion

And it's my decision

Is delivered to prison

inside my heart

Overthrown or evil

  Loving, I'll say

The boss is you

Thank you for the moon

Love is true

Love life is you

Accept my wish

I shout at that country

That there is no address

Except in your arms

Hit the bug in full

I fell on the floor

Step not your throat

To the past say no

Archibaldo Chaves
Enviado por Archibaldo Chaves em 12/07/2017
Código do texto: T6052848
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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