nothing to declare

there is not

error unequaled

as disesteem

of jobless people

I ask justice

vote thrown out

money and alms

parents inequality

I ask gorveno loyalty

face reality

show the truth

what pays

what pays

what pays

There is not health

so the bank that collects

We watched from the stands

fatherland be loved

fight for an end to the lack

leisure food and plenty

Snake bunch

that high either charge

I'm not going to take it

it has to end

paara all change

so we have a chance

arming of education

we will change nation

what pays

what pays

what pays

not known who steals

exaggerated tribute

people there played

nimguem concerned

said to be humanized

most do not see equality

transport absurd

pity the deaf , blind and dumb

however assebilidade

what pays

what pays

what pays

Archibaldo Chaves
Enviado por Archibaldo Chaves em 26/08/2016
Reeditado em 26/08/2016
Código do texto: T5740811
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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