Voice: Jane Monheit

     A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road 
     It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone 
     It's a sliver of glass, it is life, it's the sun 
     It is night, it is death, it's a trap, it's a gun 

     The oak when it blooms, a fox in the brush 
     A knot in the wood, the song of a thrush 
     The wood of the wind, a cliff, a fall 
     A scratch, a lump, it is nothing at all 

     It's the wind blowing free, it's the end of the slope 

     It's a beam it's a void, it's a hunch, it's a hope 
     And the river bank talks of the waters of March 
     It's the end of the strain 
     The joy in your heart 

     The foot, the ground, the flesh and the bone 
     The beat of the road, a slingshot's stone 
     A fish, a flash, a silvery glow 
     A fight, a bet the fange of a bow 

     The bed of the well, the end of the line 
     The dismay in the face, it's a loss, it's a find 
     A spear, a spike, a point, a nail 
     A drip, a drop, the end of the tale 

     A truckload of bricks in the soft morning light 
     The sound of a shot in the dead of the night 
     A mile, a must, a thrust, a bump, 
     It's a girl, it's a rhyme, it's a cold, it's the mumps 

     The plan of the house, the body in bed 
     And the car that got stuck, it's the mud, it's the mud 
     A float, a drift, a flight, a wing 
     A hawk, a quail, the promise of spring 

     And the river bank talks of the waters of March 
     It's the promise of life, it's the joy in your heart 

     A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road 
     It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone 

     A snake, a stick, it is John, it is Joe 
     It's a thorn in your hand and a cut in your toe 

     A point, a grain, a bee, a bite 
     A blink, a buzzard, a sudden stroke of night 
     A pin, a needle, a sting a pain 
     A snail, a riddle, a wasp, a stain 

     A pass in the mountains, a horse and a mule 
     In the distance the shelves rode three shadows of blue 

     And the river talks of the waters of March 
     It's the promise of life in your heart 

     A stick, a stone, the end of the road 
     The rest of a stump, a lonesome road 
     A sliver of glass, a life, the sun 
     A knife, a death, the end of the run 

     And the river bank talks of the waters of March 
     It's the end of all strain, it's the joy in your heart

     Belíssima composição de Tom Jobim poetizada maravilhosamente em parceria
     com a magnífica Elis Regina. Nesta versão em inglês, o brilho fica por conta da
     cantora norte-americana Jane Monheit, em sublime apresentação. 
     Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafTEkeejEU
     Sugestão: ótimo para ser acompanhado na leitura de minhas Gotas Poéticas
Entre céus e poesia
Enviado por Entre céus e poesia em 26/02/2014
Reeditado em 26/02/2014
Código do texto: T4707779
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro