My Heart Secrets about Someone!

Hei, please don’t tell anyone what I am gonna write here. This is in English on purpose because I can’t pour so much compliment on one single person like my friendly poet I was happy to meet some time ago, although she deserves every single word I am gonna mention here. I believe she will be curious to know what it is and will translate this message anyway. I am teasing her, actually, by writing this well-deserved message in English. She is cutie, beautiful, or further, gorgeous, she has pretty dimples, cutie smile, she is tall, charming, writes poems so beautifully, she is so caring to me, she takes me to the highest places in this beautiful blue sky when she addresses her nice comments to me and besides all that, she is now my partner in writing poems and lots of other things. In a nutshell, she is a wonderful human being I have been happy to meet among so many other women.

She lives far away from me but I feel her very close because we have a lot in common like music, words, poems and many more other things. I hope our friendship will last forever and that we will never hurt each other with words or any other kind of bad feelings. I see her and feel her as a flower that needs water - and that water is my caress for her, is my care for her wellbeing, my concern about her feelings. I want her to be happy all day long although I know it is not possible, since we are human beings and are subject to unhappy moments in our lives, we are subject to deceptions and people who do not wish for our happiness, people who are rooting for our defeat. I hope I will never hurt her like this because she is a wonderful woman that has been able to captivate my heart with her beautiful actions and caring words.

Well, I am gonna stop here by wishing her all the best in her professional life (she is an educator too), in her heart and soul. I feel so lucky to have deserved such a wonderful friendship! Thank God for everything and her in my life!

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 16/10/2016
Reeditado em 16/10/2016
Código do texto: T5793396
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro