Beautiful Christmas night!

It is not a big supper table,

It is not an exchange of gifts,

It's not the greetings from merry christmas

Neither the garlands nor the tree,

Much less Santa Claus,

Christmas together with the Passion of Christ Are the most precious,

Of all the Christian festivals,

Christmas reminds us, that Christ the Lord,

Son of the most high God was born to reconciliation,

Between God the Father and all men, That through his birth we might have hope,

And in his gospel the teachings of the Good News, a new life,

To love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves,

And in his sacrifice on the Cross through his blood as an atonement for our sins, the blood of the only begotten son and lamb of God, for the forgiveness of our sins, errors, omissions, and all our faults that draw us away from the Creator,

There are certain types of Christians who say that this date is pagan feast, called Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birth of the Invincible Sun"), was a tribute to the Persian god Mitra, popular in Rome, But they forget that no matter the month or the day nor the hour, because we do not really know it because the Bible does not tell us, but it tells us a King's birth that must be worshiped, honored, served, deserving of our lives, our birthdays, why not celebrate this date even if it is not the exact date, but celebrate the reason for which it represents, who is king born to us today in the city of Bethlehem of Judea for the remission of our lives, Blessed Be the Lord Jesus For Centuries of Centuries, and to us his subjects and King's servants one beautiful Christmas night

Fabiano de Oliveira
Enviado por Fabiano de Oliveira em 25/12/2018
Código do texto: T6535222
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro