In my unforgettable words, I want to talk a little about a past of adventures in a mill belonging to the family of my uncle Heraldo People of Vasconcelos, son of the great plantation owner Mr Alfredo de Colina who used to plant sugarcane for the Cachoeirinha mills, engenho pitu, spring and other old mills that removed alcohol from sugarcane to export to the entire region of Brazil and other countries outside that were marketed in several trades until today because sugarcane has always contributed to several industrializations in our country.

I want to talk about a past that I had in 1994, when I went for a weekend walk with my uncle Heraldo to the Cuieira sugar mill, which for me was a beautiful adventure of a young man enthusiastic about the strong and clumsy life that I have always lived and that I saw up close a life that was kept and remembered in my thoughts today of a mill people and planters who always cultivated and sowed in large and old mills gigantic hectares of sugar cane and industrialized and manufactured the good alcohol that was sold inside and outside the country and I saw and closely followed the life of a rich, strong, suffering, and brutish people who always carried with themselves in different regions of the interior of Pernambuco a family tradition of their grandparents, parents, great-grandparents who were rich planters who grew up and died in a big house inside old mills right when the cultivation of sugar cane for the manufacture of alcohol and other things started in Gigantic cane mills powered by force Electra made by water with generators and energy sources that rolled several canes in a mill that was ground to then remove all the liquid, syrup and sugarcane bagasse to transport and make molasses and serve together with the bagasse as feed for horses, oxen and goats that were created for heavy sugarcane transport work until today that was acquired by machines and industrialists and tractors and trucks of various formalities that revolutionized sugar cane industry in the country and all this has an ancestor explanation of a suffering people who were bought by planters to work in the sawn as strong black slaves who were brought from outside to work in large and old cane mills throughout national territory, leaving the life of a dreaming people and suffering at the hands of rich and brutish plantation owners who passed on to their children until the present day that we find modernity and broader and more domesticated technology by a past glued to us who live and pass and we feel what the old days were like and everything shows us up close even today the imagined and conquered past of fearless mill owners who left a blacksmith with old hardware such as gigantic mills, ox carts and horses various pieces of slave holding such as trunks and other artifacts that contributed to the industrial and mill growth and development. I want to talk about my adventures when I was 22 years old when I went for a walk with my cousin Alfredo when we were going to fish in the cuieira mill from above the family of uncle Heraldo who was the son of Mr Alfredo the owner of the mill who died on the hill mill and passed in the afternoon with Alfredo fishing for fish and we caught some fish and took it to João the administrator's house and his wife cooked the fish for us and then we ate together with them and drank together with Seu João and we played domino and it was a very good afternoon in which I I experience this as a beautiful and unforgettable friendship of my cousin Alfredo, who was a great hunter and fisherman and adventurer who spent a summer afternoon with me raining rain with sun in the woods and streams of a mill that was in the history of our people. Then I went for a walk with my wife Joseane when I was 30 years old at the Cuieira sugar mill, which was also an unforgettable day that we arrived at 3:00 in the afternoon and slept and came back the next day and stayed in the big house on the engenho alone and for In the afternoon we walked around the mill and ate fruits, drank coconut water and ran on horseback and took a bath with a tap in the mill that I even got to do sailor push-ups after the fresh water bath that came from the stream that was a constant quality of water very cold crystal clear that I finished at 5:30 pm and we went home to sleep and we make love all night which was a tremendous night of pleasure that was kept as a very romantic dream that became a memory of my old times as a plantation owner apprentice that I learned to understand the lives of those people who go unnoticed at the end of the world, but I know what they are, they are rich and hardworking people who seek a benevolent living mechanics that trace paths and trails that there are secrets like several wild animals that always cross our paths through road passages where time has always taken them and made them magnify and enrich their lives for a past of work, honor and glory that maybe someone can understand and value the lives of suffering people as old rural and field workers who get to marry in the bush and live eternally on the mill who are poor, young people and children who learn to work in the mountains and in the countryside all dressed in pants, long-sleeved shirts and boots with scythes and hoes and kerosene bottles in hand all smeared with oil said it and kerosene that they are only 10 years old, more than they look like they have at least 40 years of aging and constant suffering from a life of forced labor that sits in the midday sun to drink cachaça and then sing country music and also whistle singing love songs to excite along with the sweat in the glued and burned chest and give strength to Tr work that sustain them that what they earn is not enough to live on and all this I saw and today I understand that there are people who are still suffering more who are happy and are always showing their role that they are heroes and little great men who work with old men and if dedicate their entire lives to helping their families.

I want to make it very clear that existence can indeed be a struggle against life's weaknesses and that they can someday lighten the dark side of life that seems to hide the real and constructive value of some people who live their lives dying to live. More I say!

Who are all heroes hiding somewhere in paradise. Thank you all!

By: Roberto Barros