A little man told me that he would live contentedly if there were not among his rights a simple gesture of living happily in which we could only prescribe him today among the various creations of his words where pain would show him more or less a great despair for the life in which surely we can always always be happy with honesty because it would be up to the wisdom that keeps us ahead of the throne that society always despises the magnificent man of magical fairies who throws himself into the dreams of youth building great creations and pleasures of living and I can tell you constantly , loyally, eternally and clairvoyant that if war is the product of peace, we would be giving space to the solitude that makes us vast, indignant, insolent and restless that the domain of solitude can be or be further from happiness that offers us more certainty of progress, grow and be alive because we are always attracted to a fragment, commonly, fatally and simply then. re in which in everything and for everything we collide between the feeling that makes us suffer, outraged by the reality of life that makes us fear the destructive voracity that reminds me of when we were children learning to live and we knew the world up close how beautiful it is in its place where we can live and be happy with life and we certainly don't need to make wars because wars mean dying and death is not just part of life, it would just be another image like the other side of life that absorbs, destroys, moves and makes us suffer from both natural and drastic conflicts of life that man can still understand by chance where the most holy peace and love lives that makes us more alive and human in how much for seconds of life half the world is being absorbed by greed, power , self-pride, revenge and madness certain innocents who would give or bring back to their homeland the humanitarian love together with their families, the socialist education between politics and religion that always distorts in because of the inconvenience of the people, democracy in the country causing discomfort between the people and the life that struggles with the social despair that suffers because of the bad educational structure because a social part tries to understand and educate itself on the socialist matrices and the other part lives of corruption, hunger, misery that one day we will certainly be able to understand where we will justify justice as something more effective on those natures that struggle with human beings who are victimized by the voluntary inconsistency that materializes in life causing absolution and lack of love for a god who thinks he is forgotten by many who believe that half the world lives more for injustice and takes as justice the penalty of life causing a socialist impact on the life of the human being who sees life calling him and shows him where the inhumanities socialized in a contour devalued by the superb life and that politicians have to be aware that the world needs more democracy and as long as there is a indifferent in the senate there will never be a joint and friendly movement for a real constitutional transformation of the country and we call the world hell when we are hurt by uncertainties because the truth hurts the skin of those who do not know how to respect the truth and humanity would be something more relative the construction of both the human being and the world because we are tired of knowing that hypocrisy is always looking for loopholes to preserve itself in front of the social throne that I must today is more aware of human sin, racial devaluation, self-pride, inhumanity, severe injustices and the racial conformism between both classes that always try to manifest something indifferent to the people who believe in a better future and want to live happily with love and health in life and we will prove how selfish we are all because of racial sin and moral integrity that makes us forget one another and thus the world is preserved behind the communism that lives on scruples, crime, injustice that is it has always been an original sin and the world has to unite at any price when inhumanity takes over justice in our countries we will sweep away the most certain things that control life on earth and thus life ends and the world becomes undivided with the sin where suffering lives and we can someday understand where certainties live and we must always dominate our wills and never let the madness of life take over our minds because youth only deceives us for another day of adventure where we always seek to amused how much the world prevails in us under a more realistic dictatorship to live and we can understand its values when we are less sensible of the truth and conformism always leaves us confused and when we are faced with reality we feel frustrated and wronged with the voracity of life because life would be something substantial the mere circumstances that prove us to be more cautious with ourselves and we should not get used to deficiencies social s because we would be contributing to failure, misery, emotional suffering where all doors will be closed to complete ourselves with humanity and so we can better understand life and remain more alive against the uncertainties and unworthiness that consume precarious life and we will not give gaps at sunset because it is still too early to establish a commitment with ourselves and with the people in general, because we must always understand that realistic life would certainly be what we are doing and we will certainly always be behind it improving ourselves and learning to live and be happy because someday the world will show us much better where the truth we have always sought lives and thus we will be contributing to a great cultural and social development for the great growth of the world and all classes will enjoy it because they will be living happily alongside nature and this is how nature must always be the same and the world will preserve us unless we learn to keep you.

A little man told me that he would live contentedly if there were not among his rights a simple gesture of living happily in which we could only prescribe him today among the various creations of his words where pain would show him more or less a great despair for the life in which surely we can always always be happy with honesty because it would be up to the wisdom that keeps us ahead of the throne that society always despises the magnificent man of magical fairies who throws himself into the dreams of youth building great creations and pleasures of living and I can tell you constantly , loyally, eternally and clairvoyant that if war is the product of peace, we would be giving space to the solitude that makes us vast, indignant, insolent and restless that the domain of solitude can be or be further from happiness that offers us more certainty of progress, grow and be alive because we are always attracted to a fragment , commonly, fatally and simply then. re in which in everything and for everything we collide between the feeling that makes us suffer, outraged by the reality of life that makes us fear the destructive voracity that reminds me of when we were children learning to live and we knew the world up close how beautiful it is in its place where we can live and be happy with life and we certainly don't need to make wars because wars mean dying and death is not just part of life, it would just be another image like the other side of life that absorbs, destroys, moves and makes us suffer from both natural and drastic conflicts of life that man can still understand by chance where the most holy peace and love lives that makes us more alive and human in how much for seconds of life half the world is being absorbed by greed, power , self-pride, revenge and madness certain innocents who would give or bring back to their homeland the humanitarian love together with their families, the socialist education between politics and religion that always distorts in because of the inconvenience of the people, democracy in the country causing discomfort between the people and the life that struggles with the social despair that suffers because of the bad educational structure because a social part tries to understand and educate itself on the socialist matrices and the other part lives of corruption, hunger, misery that we will certainly someday understand where we will justify justice as something more effective on those natures that struggle with human beings.

I believe that we are not aware of the truth because we would never silence the pain with suffering because it would be more logical to silence the pain with love and honesty would never fail us with friendship because I know they are sisters and we can see the world today like a black hole that at the same time is retouching us and taking us to the basement of the abyss called hell that can inhibit us with pain and suffering that I believe are part of a very incoherent emotional function because we must not shut up in front of pain because I know that in everything it is fatally, commonly, simply and unfortunately the nerve contracts with precision and we need to absorb this pain that is thrown into the soul causing a vibrational effect on the human mind and we can no longer suffer because it would be inhumane to our existences because not we could run away from suffering as much as it is or is afflicting us in life and we are human and we don't want to die because there has always been a man of light around us who doesn't he wanted war and he created the world and made us happy, healthy and loving and he may be far away from those who don't believe in him for maybe a discomfort with life or maybe a disappointment with reality and that this man really exists and his name is God and only he can contain us, hold us and unite us because the world is a circle of projections that we will have to trace and we would only be subject to the distortions created by life in mere circumstances and we have to unite because we will be alive and someday we will die in peace from hell and we will enter paradise that this paradise is more moving like a magical dream and that we will have more responsibilities with ourselves and life can tell us and make us happier and so we will live forever in eternity and life infects us and always shows us a path of peace, health and love and we have to believe in this man who, by the light of life, established himself over the world he made and that he can be telling us something superior that he doesn't oppresses us and he hates fear, failure because he made us both male and female and we are here to fight and live and learn that life is a sounding board that never stops playing the same song and the world is beautiful and he it is blue even surrounded by planets, stars and stars giving us life and I simply say that we must not abandon and destroy because someday we will understand how much we need him and that he will be worth us forever and here there are many stories to tell about great men who went through life and became gods, great women who dominated the love between men and made you thank you for a family, beautiful and beautiful children who grew up to be great stars and happy people who learned to conquer life and love. there with enough intensity and that the world would be the home of the living and the dead and there is a passage back and forth between an eternity called forgotten where we can someday understand its cause and its effect s for so many constructions and destructions because it reminds me of a great scientific story of the relativity of life that the world could have originated from a great explosion due to a great heat on the ionosphere that caused a great combustion between atomic particles that mixed and exploded being born life on earth according to the Big Bang theory that the universe would be very dense and it exploded and caused a birth of planet earth and here we begin with many ancient stories between many generations and races that begins in the ancient time when they civilized the world until the present day and all this is a manifestation of life and I mean that we must always preserve it forever because the world is with you on a great relativity of great trajectories that we seek in the life of the human being who was born, grew up and here died and I want to say in a few words that there is a god above us capable of showing us certain paths that maybe we still have to learn to value t like him and his stories and so the world will walk and we will be more than a human being and someday we will prove what we were and what we are to wash away moral and social sin so that we will be born next to God and that we will learn many things with life and death can perhaps be a beginning to another life and so the world walks between a desire for peace, love and glory forever.

With few words to a voice, a song and a magnificent sound that shows us a more qualified path to life about the creation of a man who was born with immense love and who perhaps himself has his homogeneous purposes with the universe that can certainly contain us and form ourselves on a great phenomenal existence of life and that's where a story begins of a man who made us full of love and maybe we are almost perfect like himself and we are similarities of this man who calls himself god and I want to talk about a philosophy well deciphered and confirmed that if we are children of god we are likenesses of god and we can admit him as something superior to everything in this world of imperfections and destruction and I want to tell a little contradiction under god and I hope to be complete enough for a philosophy well defined as I will show in my version here as a well exercised saying.

In my philosophy, everything that God creates with love is built with a feeling about the living nature of a being who would be better able to understand him because everything in him is clearer like the light of the sun that is showing us on the bright side of the world. life the beautiful things that we cling to that are simply not touched by being made of love that is over any void that breaks over the human inability to be happy or love someone in life who is simply not being enlightened before god for being relapsed from divine nature that cannot be likened to the true being that god made and created over all things in paradise that we could not deceive him with the negative uncertainties that insolate life before the soft light of god that is over all deep things and at altitudes that we will someday be able to understand their space and time about our realities that are not so extensive when there is no light from our stimuli that are on any feelings raised to life that we could not have understood his love and existence in our lives because in everything God made, created the paradise of the bankrupt and constrained who perverted from evil on the truth that cannot remain silent, invisible on everything that god created on the land of obstinate men and uncertain of controverted sympathies about an unfaithful desire that perhaps a child would bring in a humanitarian mind this love for being more alive about the electricity that consoles our thoughts and makes us believe that the world is perfect and that we can still be happy and that maybe we will remain constructively intact on the pretexts of god who made us enlightened by the fury of teaching love that loves us and makes us love what is good to see and feel pleasure because life would simply be a sounding board in which its rhythm can melody us over all the positive forms and forces of life that never bend over the shadows that break behind the daylight trying to forget the fear of darkness that plagues the innocents who will yet know the world how beautiful and perfect it is because god made you in all aspects that were not destroyed and may the truth of loves that were not absorbed by god or that any anonymity that could have been prescribed be well by the word of god as they say that angels are more cautious to keep themselves alive and innate by the transformation of god's existence over mortals who are consumed by madness, farce, emotional illusion that will the minds of men who have not yet understood to simplify their love for life how to love god above all things that are inevitable and together we can always unite because it was god who made you and the stars in the sky as maybe an anger that someday we can thank you and ask you for a favor to be him faithful as a straight arrow without deviation that cannot be of our incontestable nature to the world that can become an illusion to the weakest without love who perhaps can feel that they were made of the fl unforgettable paradise we will always find what we are looking for because we simply learn to love and hate to consolidate ourselves on all aspects of being happy for many years to keep life pulsating and creating certain artifices that someday we will understand its pleasures and everything that god created because we are children of god and we experience the light of life in our eyes and faces that show us how beautiful we are and we become strengthened in our memory that we witness our love for life as we pacify on material planes the seeds that we simply keep in the soul of our thoughts that is completed on the forms and conquests that we reach in life as a state of time in occasion of graces that we learn to value the life that plagues us with the foolishness of youth and let us see that everything that God created would be perfect because we are likeness of God and in my philosophy I simply want to say that if it was God who made us, we are innate or homogeneous that by the anonymity of the hidden affections we could complete ourselves about his love that made us because we would not be alive to be happy about some inferior indifference of his nature that remains for how long without unfavorable expression to the only affection that made us greater than everything we are likeness of love that maybe we can't say from the inside out in a few more that it is simplified in the divine theory that everything that god created was with love and we learn with life less or more with its artifacts to value what god made because we wouldn't be so small and big in the hand of God who has completed us about his image and love that can never be small about all the hidden affections that unreason the pure realistic compassion of living, loving and being happy because in a few years or maybe millennia from the depths of our souls that someday we will find ourselves free from hell in paradise.

A little man told me that he would live contentedly if there were not among his rights a simple gesture of living happily in which we could only prescribe him today among the various creations of his words where pain would show him more or less a great despair for the life in which surely we can always always be happy with honesty because it would be up to the wisdom that keeps us ahead of the throne that society always despises the magnificent man of magical fairies who throws himself into the dreams of youth building great creations and pleasures of living and I can tell you constantly , loyally, eternally and clairvoyant that if war is the product of peace, we would be giving space to the solitude that makes us vast, indignant, insolent and restless that the domain of solitude can be or be further from happiness that offers us more certainty of progress, grow and be alive because we are always attracted to a fragment, commonly, fatally and simply then. re in which in everything and for everything we collide between the feeling that makes us suffer, outraged by the reality of life that makes us fear the destructive voracity that reminds me of when we were children learning to live and we knew the world up close how beautiful it is in its place where we can live and be happy with life and we certainly don't need to make wars because wars mean dying and death is not just part of life, it would just be another image like the other side of life that absorbs, destroys, moves and makes us suffer from both natural and drastic conflicts of life that man can still understand by chance where the most holy peace and love lives that makes us more alive and human in how much for seconds of life half the world is being absorbed by greed, power , self-pride, revenge and madness certain innocents who would give or bring back to their homeland the humanitarian love together with their families, the socialist education between politics and religion that always distorts in because of the inconvenience of the people, democracy in the country causing discomfort between the people and the life that struggles with the social despair that suffers because of the bad educational structure because a social part tries to understand and educate itself on the socialist matrices and the other part lives of corruption, hunger, misery that one day we will certainly be able to understand where we will justify justice as something more effective on those natures that struggle with human beings who are victimized by the voluntary inconsistency that materializes in life causing absolution and lack of love for God who thinks himself forgotten by many believes that half the world lives more for injustice and takes as justice the penalty of life causing a socialist impact on the life of the human being.

I believe that education can bring us before our pride the dignity of being and showing more faithful to the world and that wars can be spread for the own satisfaction and human malfunction of satisfying the devastating power of killing certain innocents in how much will surely someday prove how much we have lost in life and I tell you that no to wars and say yes to life because we will be fully building a true world that is more coherent and capable of satisfying our selfishness and that true power comes from certainty and the good character of living.

I want to say that love is the fruit of peace and that way we can always aim at life with more love, affection and humanity and I want to thank you for these words of feelings for peace and thank you very much and that we consolidate together for tomorrow we show together that life is in love and may we find true sovereignty.

By: Roberto Barros