I come here with a lot of love and work to show a little bit of a beautiful narrative that I talk about beautiful psychometric texts that will serve as a great philosophical support that I show all my intuition, soul and point of view that I decipher a better way in which I talk about chemistry and their durability that unite on the body, spirit and soul as well as I decipher on physics with their durability in which they unite on the body, spirit and soul that represent a beautiful role on psychoanalysis that I have been approaching beautiful narrations and that I also speak about biology that join the body, spirit and soul in which I surprise everyone with a great conviction to show great researchers how I expressed myself about the three elements that are well psychoanalyzed about a beautiful and graceful philosophy that I leave here for everyone to see the best of all my work as a writer, scientist and philosopher for all to see and keep as one of my best memories as a student who sees life well qualified and I wish you all a good reading and keep my strong and best hug and thank you very much!

That life can infect us about three genuine things as the three elements that are part of our being and that completes us with a good philosophy and psychometry well narrated in depth of mine for the words and thank you.

In the body of chemistry:

I want to give a great relevance here to explain a little systematically a proportion that we can classify chemistry starting from its development that by a simple notion I want to explain about the body that systematically is the atomic nucleus that we can define its capabilities on matter with chemistry that composes and conceives all the liquid substances that develop in the organic system that, due to a biotic and metabolic function, chemistry has the most common property of transpiring an alchemy on each atom created from cells that we know that the fundamental level of matter are the atoms. These atoms group together, interact with each other and form molecules. Molecules, in turn, can organize themselves and form compounds. Molecules together with compounds form organelles, which together form cells.

Which atoms make up a cell?

This varies by cell size, not all cells are the same size. But, that number is close to 7 quadrillions of atoms per cell, if we take the total number of atoms in the body and divide it by the total number of cells in the human body.

The atoms that make up a cell!

The most abundant atoms, which make up most biological molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids), are carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and phosphorus.

What is an atom in biology?

Atom → constituent particle of matter , formed by protons , neutrons and electrons . Molecule → is the smallest portion of a substance, consisting of atoms of the same chemical element or different elements.

In turn, the body is found combined in each atomic element that we can show its behavior on the matter or body that acts by the energy of the spirit that vivifies each atom in the smallest fraction of an element capable of entering into a supposed once, indivisible moment and short space. to transform by nuclear chemistry a great combination that enters into organic function for each part of the body with the continuation of the cells that it is and the cells and can be defined as the structural and functional units of all living beings. These structures are alive, they carry the genetic information of a given organism and are capable of transmitting this information at the time of cell division when the atom is composed of three elements that are basic constituents of an atom. Protons, neutrons and electrons are constituent elements of an atom. In the nucleus of atoms are protons and neutrons. Around the nucleus are the electrons in which a human body called the atomic nucleus is formed, which in turn are composed by the combination of each element in which the spirit, first called nuclear chemistry, undergoes certain biochemical functions that develop the organism giving more life and ability to develop in all probabilities of the existence of life that completes us together with the four natural elements that make up our organisms and are similar to the development and nuclear organic composition that we can call air, water, earth and fire that are formulated between both metabolic circumstances causing an effect of biotic transformation between its organic functions that align the matter which in turn is called a body which physically is the atomic nucleus in which we can naturally be called living beings.

In the spirit of chemistry:

We can classify this term by a great designation in which by a clairvoyance of the spirit that in physics is called nuclear chemistry where we can specify in the logic of the system that in everything and for everything there is a spirit that gave life and that makes everything live because it would be from this spirit that alchemy favored us a great role over the alchemists who created the elixir of long life and the philosopher's stone that gave rise to modern knowledge of chemistry that today we can designate a great probability and construction of life on a contradiction that the spirit is immortal and it is above everything and life was formed from everything and the spirit conceived light and light was transformed into life and life gave us the integrity that is above everything and in all things that can so much preserve us from top to bottom and bottom to top and so man was made about the life that led him to nuclear chemistry and the spirit that gave him life in which we can know in depth the history of the world that space was so densely hot that it got very hot around billions of years where it became like a ball of fire and exploded causing a nuclear transformation in which atoms combine in a short interval of time where we can designate a state of transformation in which everything was and formed into various things and thus life was created when the world seemed calm where all the atomic elements chemically formed an atomic atom that classified in chemistry would be like a spirit that generated and transformed itself from nothing to everything in which we can classify as nuclear chemistry the spirit that gave birth to life and thus formed the earth and living beings that were created on three fundamental elements called neutrons, protons and electrons in which an atomic nucleus called a body was formed it is simply the matter in which by its spirit-generated chemical functions primarily the nuclear chemistry that made man and the earth and thus all things are formed. formalized ahead of a great Elemental transformation in which in everything that there is life there is spirit as it is from the spirit that life began and thus we can classify this term by a great designation in which by a clairvoyance of the spirit that in physics is called of nuclear chemistry where we can specify in the logic of the system that in everything and for everything there is a spirit that gave life and that makes everything live because that spirit would be the alchemy that favored us a great role over the alchemists who created the elixir of long life and the philosopher's stone that gave rise to the modern knowledge of chemistry that today we can designate a great probability and construction of life on a contradiction that the spirit is immortal and that it is above everything and life was formed from everything.

In the soul of chemistry:

We can better transcribe these terms by a logic more taken to the construction and creation of the imagination that in everything was made in soul that is the subtle electricity that is generated by the also chemical force of the spirit that passes through the feeling and thought that is subtle and is of It is there that the good things that we pacify are created from the benign force of love as well as the malignant force of hate. of achievements and challenges about life that make us react on our mental impulses that by force of will related either to fear or hatred that we submit to build or impose ourselves from the bottom of a certain dynamic conscience the mere distractions of the egotrip on the emotional forces of the mind that drive us to build certain things for mere pleasure that turns into soul and that it is from the soul that one recognizes a personality that has become extinct and about a way of being and leading yourself to the mere pleasure of being someone and leading yourself about life and the world from the bottom of your conscience about all the distractions of life regarding climates of tension created by negative motives generated by the hardness of life that do not managed to submerge there is a certain advantage of desire that makes human nature feel pleasure and it is said that it is from pleasure that things are formed in the soul because we can create a beautiful expression about life when perhaps it is not friendly or in certain circumstances of the will and that's how the soul was made in the world all the colors like the captive love on the mind of a dreamer who conquered life or a writer who prescribed his best dilemma and told his story and the essence of the soul would certainly never lack the best things that keep us intensely and fluidly our thoughts that we can admit them as social schools and that if it is from thought that the fruits of knowledge about life that we can give more shines and light on any creation or art of living and we must never forget that the soul is simply the subtle electricity of life that conserves us and will delight us with each shelf of creativity, dream, construction in which we can keep and remember in our subconscious to always and I want to talk a little about chemistry here.

Chemistry is the science that studies the composition, structure, properties of matter, the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions and its relationship with energy. It is considered an exact science and is often called the central science because it is the bridge between other natural sciences such as physics, mathematics and biology. Chemistry plays a fundamental role in technological development, as the use of the concepts and techniques of this science allows obtaining new substances, in addition to being concerned with the prevention of damage and sustainable exploitation of the environment.

The areas of chemistry are grouped into four major divisions, namely: inorganic chemistry (studies inorganic matter), organic chemistry (studies carbon compounds), physical chemistry (understands the energetic and kinetic aspects of chemical systems and their transformations into macroscopic, and atomic-molecular scales ), and analytical chemistry (analyzes materials and helps to understand their composition and quantity of chemical systems). Interdisciplinary and complementary areas include biochemistry, chemistry teaching, and environmental chemistry.

In the body of physics:

I want to reveal a good image about this context that I tell you that in everything and for everything life would never stop persisting ahead of all things as no one would not simply silence the science that defines us and this one over all the relativities of nature that makes us react on its phenomena and its general aspects that the dynamics of life has always proposed to us a great relationship with the nature of both the human being and life that makes us think about various ideas in which man would be an artifact about certain probabilities that could be conserving on life when its dynamics always react in front of a setback that makes us go back in time in terms of space that remotes us from various consequences on the stone age as the great human development that made man conquer the moon and we can preserve a recognition deeper and friendlier about spiritual wonder and soul development about life when little survives inadequate s with the recognition of life on religions that can be the good of the socialist man who sees life more modernized and attributed to insert disorders and commitments with education, companionship, love, justice, politics and simply religion that we can add a reasoning socialized and modernized to the world that is always radicalizing the power of devaluation and reconstitution on life and we think how much is the understanding about the other classes worth when the world does not fit the same mechanism of exercising inserted standards and conformities on life to emphasize the broader knowledge of great people who believe in the advancement of science and advanced technology and let's talk about a more persevering physics that could have shown man everything around his poster and achievement of better recognizing life and the world that was born for the man who developed and grew into the man who managed to dominate him in some aspects that can formalize us with the life and died to conquer life and the world and even so he has to show more love and affection for his fellow men and that he should above all create something better to preserve the life of all and of the planet itself and thus we will be left with the most integrity intimately and well we say the right things about education that can never fail about everyone's lives.

In the spirit of physics:

I believe that we are centered on a measure of time that we have to draw all the right things under a great relativity that we can relate deeply with all the elements that make up both space, planet earth and human being and we must prescribe every metaphysics systematically on all the chemical functions, both chemical ones aimed at the nuclear material state of the human being and all the chemical functions aimed at the nature of life that predominates in us and makes us create consistency and understanding through the dynamics of living and socializing life in a more defined way that we can preserve so much the integrity of the human being on religion and politics that is always discouraged and eliminated among all social classes that try to preserve the dynamics of education and the civil patriotism of the military who are inconsistently aligned perhaps more for power and pride what the world needs is education as a civil means and love for everyone So as not to obscure social freedom over life and people who have not understood the true value of God and who are fooling themselves behind the false idea of living and getting to know life better. Where would the reasoning and intelligence of the human being be?

We simply need to conserve among certain physics the capacity to establish certain ties of sovereignty between a small interval of time that makes us stop to think about the right things that we admit about the dreams and fascinations of the human being against the deficiencies of life that redeems him and causes uncertain risks against the democracy of life and we can use the dynamics against the space that moves away from the truth that cannot be silenced or disguised because justice cannot remain silent and has to act on the deficiencies generated by life and the man is no longer compatible with time because he conductively depends on the space that tries to eliminate him resounding or resonant on inserted harmful waves that absorb him against social disabilities and let us see the world more catatonic and we can understand its development and space on the reasoning of living and build life on the modalities of the man who throws himself into physics to establish a metaphysics the most complete about his dynamics and skills of living and so perhaps we can understand all the natural relationships that govern the life of the man who conquered space, who modernized life.

In the soul of physics:

I believe that we are wise to deeply observe the nature of physics that makes us seek an infinity about the existence of the universe that shows us with great affection and relativity all the relationships between man and space that he dedicated himself to going to the stars to prove that there is life in space and for a great achievement he stepped on the moon which was a genius discovery that made the world see up close a dream that fascinated the minds of many scientists and people who see the world in a different way that we can dedicate ourselves body and soul about a great fascination for mysterious things that surround the universe that we become more aware about life and its dynamics that there are phenomena in space and that we learn to value life for a simple notion of believing in the existence of the world about the human being and that we are a small cosmic universe and that we can know many things that go unnoticed about us and I think that the nature of man has managed to understand better some things in the physics that breaks down in space showing us that there are souls over a genuine specialty of our thinking that admitted to knowing life in another better way and that always existed over a great concentration of time a certain set of ideas that made space man get to know the mysterious history of life up close and how everything could have started over and we can understand the distance of time on the right or uncertain thought that makes a mind develop on an identity and predominant concepts that we can still accept time as a contradiction of prescribing in the logic of wisdom and have an affection for such knowledge that we can dedicate ourselves to the study of the physics of man who saw god and followed his words and that science defines us an eternal understanding about the great challenges of man against life and we will leave space as an emanation of man by a mishap of light on the understanding of living and dying that we apprehend with life is about the reason for living and I want to talk a little about physics here.

Physics is the science that studies nature and its phenomena in general terms. It analyzes their relationships and properties, in addition to describing and explaining most of their consequences. It seeks the scientific understanding of the natural and general behaviors of the world around us, from elementary particles to the universe as a whole. With the support of the scientific method and logic, and with mathematics as a natural language, this science describes nature through scientific models. It is considered the fundamental science, synonymous with natural science: the natural sciences, such as chemistry and biology, have their roots in physics. Its presence in everyday life is very wide, making it practically impossible to fully describe the physical phenomena around us. The application of physics for human benefit has made an invaluable contribution to the development of all modern technology, from the automobile to quantum computers.

Historically, the affirmation of physics as a modern science is closely linked to the development of mechanics, whose main pillars of study are mechanical energy and linear and angular momentum, their conservations and variations. Since the end of the Middle Ages there was a need to understand mechanics, and the knowledge of the time, especially Aristotelian, was no longer sufficient. Galileo focused his studies on projectiles, pendulums and planetary movements; Isaac Newton later elaborated on the fundamental principles of dynamics when he published his laws and universal gravitation in his book Principia, which became the most influential scientific work of all time. Thermodynamics, which studies the causes and effects of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume on a macroscopic scale, had its origins in the invention of heat engines during the 18th century. His studies led to the generalization of the concept of energy. The link between electricity, which studies electrical charges, and magnetism, which is the study of properties related to magnets, was only noticed in the early 19th century by Hans Christian Ørsted . The physical and mathematical descriptions of electricity and magnetism were unified by James Clerk Maxwell. From then on, these two areas, along with optics, began to be treated as different views of the same physical phenomenon, electromagnetism. At the beginning of the 20th century, the inability to describe and explain certain observed phenomena, such as the photoelectric effect, raised the need to open new horizons for physics. Albert Einstein published the general theory of relativity in 1915, proposing the constancy of the speed of light and its hitherto unimaginable consequences. Einstein's theory of relativity leads to one of the most important conservation principles in physics, the relationship between mass and energy, often expressed by the famous equation E= mc² . General relativity also unifies the concepts of space and time: gravity is just a consequence of the deformation of space-time caused by the presence of mass. Max Planck, studying blackbody radiation, was forced to conclude that energy is divided into "packets", known as quanta. Einstein physically demonstrated Planck's ideas, laying down the first roots of quantum mechanics. The development of quantum field theory brought a new view of the mechanics of fundamental forces. The emergence of quantum electro and chromodynamics and the subsequent unification of electromagnetism with the weak force at high energies are the basis of the standard model, the main theory of subatomic particles, capable of describing most of the phenomena on the microscopic scale that affect the main areas of science. physics.

Physics is a significant and influential science and its evolutions are often translated into the development of new technologies. Advances in knowledge in electromagnetism allowed the development of technologies that certainly influence the daily life of modern society: the mastery of electrical energy allowed the development and construction of electrical appliances; the mastery over electromagnetic radiation and the refined control of electric currents allowed the emergence of electronics and the consequent development of global telecommunications and information technology. The development of knowledge in thermodynamics allowed transport to stop being dependent on animal or human power thanks to the advent of thermal engines, which also boosted an entire Industrial Revolution. None of this would be possible, however, without the development of mechanics, which has its roots in the very development of physics. However, like any other science, physics is not static. Physicists are still working to solve theoretical problems, such as the "vacuum catastrophe", quantum gravity, black hole thermodynamics, supplementary dimensions, the arrow of time, cosmic inflation and the Higgs mechanism . There are still empirically and experimentally observed phenomena that still lack scientific explanations, such as the possible existence of dark matter, cosmic rays with theoretically very high energies and even everyday observations such as turbulence. To this end, very sophisticated equipment was built, such as the Large Hadron Collider , the largest particle accelerator ever built in the world, located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

In the body of biology

I want to point out a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing to the soul and transforming itself into a metabolic function of the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in which the organism of a human being finds itself led to various transformations in dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that pass in the smallest fraction of an atom on mental effects causing a great emotional transformation in the human mind.

In the theory of the soul ('psyche') created by Sigmund Freud ( 1856-1939, Austrian neurologist).

Therapeutic method created by S. Freud, used in cases of neurosis and psychosis, which basically consists of the interpretation, by a psychoanalyst, of the unconscious contents of words, actions and imaginary productions of an individual, based on free associations and transference.

I believe that we are going through a great transformation in which the mind can respond to a state more related to the cerebral functions that we can carry out a career or a gesture by any part of the conscience that resulting from the chemical transformations the organism retains to take various forms that makes the human being conduct himself to obstruct his functions to develop a thought that due to the circumstances of the soul generated by the chemical transformation of the spirit that in its nuclear periphery passing to the liquid state of matter, everything reacts and transforms into living thought that gives us the chance to think and act through the senses when we can achieve something substantial through the five senses, which are related to the perception of the internal and external environment, are smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch. The internal and external environment provide a wide variety of sensations, which are perceived thanks to our nervous system and our sense organs that the mind, under a great load of energy from the spirit, transforms and transports itself to transform all relationships into feelings. emotions of the mind next to the living organism that unfolds on a great relativity and organic function of the organism causing a secondary effect to the organism developing on the human cells an extraordinary source of energy causing great moral and personal transformations on effects and chemical fluid of the spirit that we can classify a cognition on the perception and the thought that from the bottom of the soul we remain more complete to the five senses of the human body causing a metabolic effect in the functions of the organism and in the human mind.

Who came up with the theory of humours?

Hippocrates (460-370 BC ), considered the “father of medicine”, although medicine has existed since ancient Egypt with the philosopher and poet Imhotep (2655-2600 BC), developed a medical model based on the four elements of Empedocles and attributed his characteristics of the four humors (from the Latin humor, body fluid).

Theory of moods:

It is important to locate the word “humor” in history: in Greco-Roman antiquity, the term was related to liquids and fluids. The evolution of its meaning developed towards “state of mind”. A “good-humored” subject, therefore, would be someone with good moods/liquids inside.

So, to understand the Theory of Humors, we must understand its roots:

The Greek philosopher Empedocles (c.495-435 BC ) suggested that the four elements (water, air, fire and earth) and their characteristics (temperature and humidity/dryness) could explain the existence of any substance.

The physician Hippocrates (460 BC -377 BC), considered the father of Western Medicine, had philosophy as his ally. Thus, he developed a medical model based on these four elements, attributing their characteristics to body fluids – the humors. Thus, health would result from its balance, while excesses and deficiencies would explain states of illness.

It was with the physician Galen (c.129- c. 201 AD) that Hippocratic medicine reached its peak. He expanded the theory by relating it to the personality and emotional and behavioral inclinations of individuals.

Soon, the theory of moods/temperaments was developed. It consists of the hypothesis that each body is formed by mixtures of the four elements, so that each being would be born with a combination of them.

The predominance of some element would result in a temperament. Would they be:

Sanguine – in subjects who

they have too much blood. Its resulting characteristics would be joy, optimism, confidence and extroversion.

• Phlegmatic – in subjects who have excessive phlegm. Its resulting characteristics would be shyness, apathy, sluggishness, tiredness and coherence.

• Choleric – in subjects who have excessively yellow bile. Its resulting characteristics would be irritability, intensity, impulsiveness and speed.

• Melancholy – in subjects who have excessively black bile. Its resulting characteristics would be artistic inclination, sadness, fear and introversion.

Thus, for health promotion, the scholar recommended care in relation to the environment, sleep, rest, food and passions.

His sayings lasted until the Renaissance, when new research emerged.

Although the theory is not part of current Psychology, its contribution to the field was notable. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that she contributed to the studies of Kant, Wundt and the Society of Jesus.

By: Paula Farias Akkari

Psychologist (CRP 06/178290), graduated from PUC-SP.

Master's student in Social Psychology at the same institution.

Graduate student at the Dasein Institute.

I want to point out a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing to the soul and transforming itself into a metabolic function of the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in which the organism of a human being finds itself led to various transformations in dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that pass in the smallest fraction of an atom on mental effects causing a great emotional transformation in the human mind.

I want to say that certain things come from others as my psychoanalysis is related to the modification and emotional developments due to certain chemical combinations of certain substances that develop in the organism giving us a synthesis that the world originated from a great transformation that was densely hot and exploded causing in the relativity of life and existence the life that in mere circumstances we can say that the mind operates and performs miracles due to its protein content in which the spirit passes into a state of tonification that resurrects the matter that in alchemy we can prescribe that in everything there is a magic in which by nature everything would be transmutable and transformable that we can classify as a state of grace also speaking of spiritual development called holy spirit when alchemy reaches its highest point reaching 90 degrees that makes transform all organic substances into a great natural relativity that combines in and passes to a certain state of chemical transformation of the spirit that enters the chemical functions of the organism in which an atom is created over life, that is to say an atomic nucleus as the key to all organic relativities, forming a life and thus we prescribe all the emotional and moral fluids that govern human nature, proposing to us various questions of feeling and thinking that are transformed by the nuclear energy of the spirit, nuclear chemistry, making a thousand ways of feeling like loving, hating and much more when nature oscillates us with the relative functioning of the organism that remains in every biochemical relationship transforming us into various personalities that we can classify the mind as a generator of various submissions that shows us the most humane way of living and thus we can prescribe the human mind and its monotony how much your more than secret desires as a way of loving or hating leading us to the best or worst relationship with life the social one that can both oppress us and transform us into true geniuses in which all of nature can show us and educate us according to life.

I want to point out a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing to the soul and transforming itself into a metabolic function of the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in which the organism of a human being finds itself led to various transformations in dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that pass in the smallest fraction of an atom on mental effects causing a great emotional transformation in the human mind and I want to thank you for my great enthusiasm and study and I want all scientists with master's degrees in social psychology as well as various science geniuses get a great deal and information with my great discovery and that leads forward to develop a great research and theory about the relativities of man with human nature in which he can develop in his class about all organic function a great exploration about the development of the mental fluid and moral that we can develop great and extraordinary works on the most versatile mechanics of life and thank you all very much and I want to say that my studies are the foundation of my creation and thought that I have always researched in the area of modern science for the great future that awaits us open doors.

In the spirit of biology:

I mean that we live in a body that can be divided from an atom into several relationships that we could classify by studying cells and atoms a great variety of atomic elements that can be defined in a great property of certain functions that are related to the great organic development by the cells that constitute the human organism among its most functional relationships of the spirit such as nuclear chemistry that starts to exert a great behavior among the functions of the organism that exerts great loads of protons and electrons that vivifies each atom in a smaller fraction of an element that once supposed and indivisible moment and short space enters into a great combination as the space that transforms and is destroyed giving life as a centrifuge and exits of electrons in a variety and combination between the cells and molecules that are shown like a chemical electricity that passes from spirit to matter giving chemical processes and vitalizing from the organism in a rectilinear movement to all the organs and organic system that we can study these theoretical functions as a physics of thinking and building as an electronic device that in its functions we could observe in each material element of a computer a great relationship with the motherboard that contains the central processing unit and the HD that is the data storage device and the processor that is the integrated circuit capable of processing the data operation and the memory that is where the operating systems that look like are stored the organism and we can classify a great virtue among the human body that is conserved under various processes over various chemical functions that are transformed into an atomic body called an atom in which we must preserve the most findable nature of the cells and I want you to study well the molecules that particularly if it has beautiful constructions on atoms that we must study deeply. and its development and cells in the functioning of the organism that with beautiful studies and thoughts we will be able to create a cell of ions as a pump in which external energy will emanate from the organism that can be generalized more opponent about such functions and chemical pulsations from the spirit to the matter and in this way we will be able to better predict the diseases on each atom of protons and neutrons in which we can develop electrical bioenergy organic function and I want everyone to research the biochemical reactions of relativities and organic functions and thank you very much and stay with a study of relativities of alchemy and hugs !

In the soul of biology:

I want to point out a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing to the soul and transforming itself into a metabolic function of the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in which the organism of a human being finds itself led to various transformations in dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that pass in the smallest fraction of an atom on the mental effects causing a great emotional transformation in the human mind that we can call Super Poltergeist energy that enters into combination and emotional function causing an extraordinary transformation of a thought in another than by the a tion of the spirit that we call nuclear chemistry we can observe the subtle movements of the soul that supposedly once indivisible moment we can with all the positive and negative circumstances that are equivalent to more or less that we could find love as heaven bringing us good memories that we could for the cells to develop large amounts of proteins, mineral salts and vitamins that supposed the action in the human being with an excellent alimentary chain being the organism well controlled in terms of the metabolism that would do the chemical process in the cells that would develop as a base of the carbohydrate as the glucose and the brain specifically consumes 5.6 milligrams of glucose per 100 grams of brain tissue per minute, according to Ramón de Cangas of the Spanish Academy of Dietetic Nutrition ., And I want to talk about what is good for strengthening the brain?

I want to point out a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing to the soul and transforming itself into a metabolic function of the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in which the organism of a human being finds itself led to various transformations in the dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that develop when we are in a good mood when we have a great food chain that makes us function relatively emotionally fluids in which we can relax all the imperfections of life that for the good circumstances of love we can develop a good function m mental that bring us happiness when the organism is well structured on a chemical reaction of the spirit on the soul in which we could speak of psychology in which we would be surprised by the good manners and education of identifying with the will and we will speak of the ego that makes us both happy and sad and so the human mind develops into a discipline of flow over the organism a wide variety of emotions that we can trigger a good emotion as a feeling of love or a feeling of hate that basically we can also admit it in the reaction of thought that we would be more surprised as an imagination or act and effect of feeling any transformations on the mind that feels and acts through the senses that we can say that the five human senses, responsible for capturing information from the environment, are vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Humans have five traditionally known senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch that we could relate to them and all material manifestations are classified with the relativity and chemical function of the spirit that governs and gives life to creation for the soul that it makes all the senses create and project itself into life and gives us the light that we call emotional fluid that in mere circumstances the mind would be and it is an energy generator that passes information to the body and the mind controls your emotions both positive and negative and so we have an atomic nucleus that thinks and feels all the relativities of life and develops both love and hate reactions because the mind is projected onto our fantasies that through the actions of optimism everything can become reality and the ego is transformed in health when well-being is conceived, causing a fluid effect on the celebratory emotions that impel us to feel both love and bliss and the hate when we are mor-morados and thus the chemical functions of the organism are transformed into mental reactions that make us love or hate and it turns out in terms of nature, it relieves us and transforms us on various issues relatively in reaction of life and everything is transformed into something supposedly creative that makes life work and so the mind feels and reacts when it thinks and something of our wills is created and everything is life and reaction of struggle over our emotional wills and I mean that we can develop both the material and the material side spirit because the mind operates and works miracles and we are what we think and feel depending on our valuable emotions that can be of constructions or destructions staying in each vibrational chain as a set of both positive and negative ideas and so really is a mind and the cosmos reacts formatively to its relations with the nature of life and we can develop the spiritual side as well as the material side in what we call its vibrations and mental contractions about the mind's great secondary effects on its ideas and dreams and we are human beings who learn to love and hate on a vibrational cycle of certain impulses, both positive and negative, and thus our emotions are projected onto a certain moment of reaction or destruction that we can be upset by a bad idea or transformed by a good will and so life is a logical and relative concept of construction and destruction on the mind and its emotions that would be on a good food classification that provides us with different pleasures as our egos makes us win or lose due to the variety and sentimental transformation in which the thought is more favorable to the bases and emotions of both love and hate and so we are perfect or we become dependent on life and its realities consume our nerves and depress us and want us make different things known and we find life abstract and we fall into its modalities and apprehend s to live and that would be a human mind that feels and thinks all the shades of life and so we stay day by day and formalize our dreams and desires and that do not fit into fantasies and we will always be relative to the will that makes us act on life and we are left face to face with our emotions and we will seek there, deep within the depths of our souls, still an explanation for being alive and learning to live and our minds always transforming us into something superlative to life or indifferent that we can identify with reality and we can admit that we are flowing on dreams and desires and that life is a school of habits and created by the will and that we only feel all the effects and life would be an emotional set of diverse ideas that we simply touch and react with its guidelines and we can finds love or hate as a matter of our will or socialist means that surprises us and makes us look for the realities of all facts and we want to live with them. better and we always file our mind that makes us live the best and worst moments of our lives and we can live happily depending on our health and social well-being and we will remain intact to the negative murmurs of life's disabilities and we just accept the realities oppressing us a little because our emotions rehabilitate us to want to know the world up close and we fall into the decadence of life and living would be better in our ways in which we can feel more pleasure about life and our emotions maybe keep us alive for the outstanding life that makes us understand their reactions and so we can fight against despair as a more real struggle and work and a good emotional functioning and so the human mind is a set relatively assumed in the past, indivisible moment and short space as an atom in the smallest fraction of an element that conducts us and makes us live and so would the mind be a small universe that simply feels and makes us live through the emotions that simply give us life and the will to know the world in which we can admit that we are going through the best and worst moments of our lives and we can observe the subtle movements of the soul that supposedly once and indivisible moment we can with all the positive and negative circumstances that are equivalent to more or less that we could find something better in our lives and I want to emphasize a good understanding with everyone about an extraordinary research on the emotional and moral fluids that extends on the great chemical development of the spirit passing into the soul and transforming into a metabolic function to the organism that by the substances of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts the cells are transformed emerging to the organism giving emotional functions on the organism transforming the emotions on a great relativity of certain thoughts that come from great effects caused by the emotional and moral fluid in that the organism of a human being is duced to several transformations in dissemination of certain liquid and solid substances that pass in the smallest fraction of an atom on the mental effects causing a great emotional transformation to the human mind that we can call Super Poltergeist energy that enters in combination and emotional function causing an extraordinary transformation of one thought into another that by the action of the spirit that we call nuclear chemistry we can observe the subtle movements of the soul that supposedly once and indivisible moment we can with all positive and negative circumstances that are equivalent to more or less that we could find love as heaven or hell in which everything can be a reaction of struggle in contradiction of our emotions that oppresses us and gives us pleasure that our feelings are aware of our wills as well as on earth and in heaven and we must not oppress ourselves when we know where we want do the best for us because our emotions would always endear us to our realities because we are what we think and so we have what we want and the mind would be more logical the contraversions of life when there is a definite feeling in our favor and so they would fit us between our egos making our natures more clairvoyant than the irrational side of living that It simply surprises us and makes us disbelieve in the existence of life., And what would life be like?

I believe that we are at a point of remaking ourselves in the face of all the things that life can properly tell us that we need to do because we would be centered on our wills because our emotions make us believe that we think about how much we feel what we do and so on we are our wills that we simply admit as a relativity on the life of our emotions and life functions in which we will be able to work the will and we will learn to dominate life and thus we are what we think and if we are on good thoughts we are happy with life and we will not have disappointments about the realities of everyday life when we master the fear and disabilities that make us suffer at every shelf because the mind of a human being can describe every image of a dream and can also transform a dream into a desire leaving the penalties aside and so we learn to live and control all the emotions that relate to our impulses either of love or hate in which simple mind, we tone up the existence of life with just one way of acting and thinking better, making our emotions and emotional fluids positive substances of relaxation and pleasure in which we can admit that we must exchange fear for courage as love for hate and thus we will find the heaven and we will not fear hell because it can simply be synthetically a bad circuit related to thought in which we tolerate all desires and we will just stop being inhibited in the face of uncertain pleasures and desires because we will be conquering something that makes us live and thus balances the mind human about such functions of desire that fluidly presents itself about life in the pleasures of certain emotions and conquests that we are certainly controlling life and so we can live happily.

I want to thank everyone for this extraordinary work that I did with a lot of love and respect for everyone to know a little about my psychoanalyses and metaphysics that I reveal about a well-applied philosophy that I summarize here in several words from an extraordinary fundamental explanation that will serve for everyone to see and understand all my reasoning that is always clear for everyone to see and research well a science that moves with metaphysics better to show life and its setbacks of a good narration that I made for everyone to see here in this valuable text and thank you all from the magnificent academy Edu and a big hug from Roberto Barros.

By: Roberto Barros