Military justice of Minas Gerais - 70 years of existence

In the next November 09, 2007, the Military Justice of Minas Gerais will be commemorating 70 years of existence.

As the current Director of the Forum of First Instance, of the Military Justice of Minas Gerais, Dr. Paulo Tadeu Rodrigues Rosa, the date is of extreme importance for the Military Justice, that in elapsing of these years has been rendering relevant services and of quality the mining society.

Still according to the Director of the Forum, the Military Justice he/she has a fundamental paper in the State of Right, once he/she has for objective to maintain and to preserve the hierarchy and discipline in the state military organizations, that you/they are the responsible for the preservation of the public order in the States-members and in Federal district, in their three aspects as he/she teaches Álvaro Lazzarini, public safety, public peacefulness and public salubrity, that it is under the responsibility of the Military Fire brigade.

In this date, also, the Governor of the State of Minas Gerais, Dr. Aécio Neves, will be giving the new headquarters of the State Military Justice, what will allow that this Specialized Justice more and more can render services quality jurisdicionais the mining society.

Like this, it is consigned the homages the this Military Justice of the State of Minas Gerais, so that it continues rendering relevant services the society, that is the true addressee of the public services.

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