COOKING – Translated on June 13, 2021
Thy sight is flour and also a hold-up,
the flour of emotions broken up
one another altogether mixed up,
a poison my own murder has provoked.
Thy love is fine powder and a hook-up:
in the chopping-bowl all the stars stacked up,
turning to dust, all of them smashed up
sold to people with their glamour revoked.
Though they are but starlight and emotions
that thou never cared to stare at too close
that never were loved as they should’ve by thee;
nevertheless, the most gorgeous illusions
have from that half-awaken love to bloom rose,
cooked by that sight thou always hid from me.
Below my own sonnet written in Portuguese
the above was translated from.
Teu olhar é farinha e latrocínio:
farinha de emoções pulverizadas,
umas às outras, todas entremeadas,
veneno que causou meu assassínio.
Teu amor é polvilho e lenocínio:
no almofariz as estrelas empilhadas
se fazem pó, aos poucos, esmagadas
e prostituídas ao povo, sem fascínio.
São apenas emoções e luz de estrelas,
que nunca desejaste olhar de perto,
que nunca amaste como deverias;
e, todavia, as ilusões mais belas
brotaram desse amor semi-desperto,
fecundadas pelo olhar que me escondias.