BURNT OFFERINGS-----------------------
BURNT OFFERINGS – April 20, 2006
Dear sky-blue fairy, flying against a blue sky,
Therefore to us invisible. That must be the reason
I fail as often to see you. Yes, that has to be why
You oscillate so much between caress and treason.
My dear potent muse, yet unsure of herself,
Afraid to inspire me, afraid to be inspired,
Wary of bringing the seed to sow within myself,
To impregnate me with words of imagery befired.
For backfiring is abroad and the moment shall come
When she, the fairy, shall feel herself impregnated
Not with my human seed, but with the seed of glory,
To write her own poems and thus get dedicated
To selfsame ideal, and helpless become
In her wedding to poetry, a bride without a dowry.