TV, a bad influence on society

Saying that TV is a bad influence on society is a completely biased point of view. To start with the very concept of “bad” could be a primary and thorny subject of discussion, but we prefer not to envolve ourselves in an aimless speculation. Let’s stick to the ordinary concepts of “good” and “bad” and try to adopt a more realistic approach to the problem.

TV has a deep and frightening capacity of influencing society, no doubt about it. It penetrates millions of homes all around the world every second of the day. At this very moment, there are certainly millions of watchers concentrating on every possible type of program. Even if you don’t have a TV set, it does not mean that you can escape from it. There are even TV sets in public áreas and most of lyour acquaintances or friends will receive you at home in the middle of a favorite program. TV is a real part of today’s life and we have to learn how to live with it.

The quesion is how TV is run, be it by the State or by a private enterprise. The right balance between exclusively pastime and educational programs is a must. Also a careful choice of what ads to show to viewers is essential in any policy to control what is given to the public.

Being “good” or “bad” influence on society is not inherent quality of TV. Nevertheless, TV is conditioning and influencing. It will depend entirely on the human element behind it, for its positive or negative influence on society.


Escola: IBI - Independente British Institute, Brasília, DF

Teacher’s comments:

“A very promising start. You write clearly and logically and your ideas are generally well expressed.”

(Brasília, August, 19, 1980)

William Santiago
Enviado por William Santiago em 24/09/2020
Reeditado em 24/09/2020
Código do texto: T7071527
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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