Lying awake all night long

My second cup of coffee in the last hour or so

I am tired and my heart as cold as snow

I have thought of you more than I should

Desiring your lips and body more than I could

Locked up inside my room, I wish I could tell you the truth

Everything is running out of my control, even my youth

“I’m down” as the song sings so sadly

And loneliness has hit me so badly

I wanted to tell you how important you are to me

I wish I could say my love for you is as deep as the sea

What happened was not my fault

I want you to believe I wanted to bring all this to a halt

But your pride and arrogance did not let you see

That I was born for you and you for me

Maybe one day when we are more mature

Our hearts will show us our love was so pure

But even suffering and going through hell

Your pride hasn't let you see and tell

That life without us has no taste, no meaning

Love without our love will wither like leaves in spring

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 17/07/2020
Reeditado em 17/07/2020
Código do texto: T7008953
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro