***Perspire Love***

The Yesterday the pain left,

No longer hurts me more.

Today is only joy;

Because love is in the air.

Love is so ...

Invents phrase, make romance, takes happiness;

And in verses turns?

His fault: The Love!

That exudes exotic fragrance, dance, runs ...

Becomes key secret daydreams.

Becoming reality.

In the excitement of thinking, love

Brings up all boils energies,

In perspiration all spells,

revealed of the love.

In the sea of love, make it cool sweat of the combine,


Want from your lips, drink

his love in heaven.

Live this expectancy

The drops of love, the sweet clouds

Orange flower

Eternal aroma

Without end.

The warm night without hassle

Die with you.

Between teas, sweet jasmine;

I want to shake and feel

Soft touches, movements

festival of colors, flavors ...

In your scent, incense

Greatest Hits, instrument

And in your corner, acute music

Enchant ... ecstasy!

Grace Fares
Enviado por Grace Fares em 25/08/2015
Código do texto: T5359326
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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