The black light over the sun

On that forest I swim to the darkness

Like the fire on the ocean

Cigarette daydreams look like reality

When the sun rise I wish the moonlight start

Sacrifice behind the doors of the hell

Is the begin of my lack love

Empty of white feelings

And trash thinkings

All around my neck

For that I feel the sickness cold

Pushing me inside, cracking my mind

Am I blind? Or I wanna hide?

All masks becoming faces at wrong time

Searching for answers everyday, any way can be a sign

Distorting the out bright without shine

If our eyes don't close we can still be alive

Sombra Victorino
Enviado por Sombra Victorino em 06/02/2019
Reeditado em 31/10/2019
Código do texto: T6568599
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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