Our ghosts

Sometimes our ghosts meet

But they reminisce in different ways

They were condemned to separate worlds

Death indeed did us part

And there was no more of what we had before

This afterlife was completely different

And the emptiness inside our souls

Had different shapes now

We couldn’t fit together anymore

The smiles of our ghosts were mere kindness

They were not coming from deep inside anymore

What once was real was gone with life

And our ghosts were wandering through different places

Every now and then they would bump into each other

They would glance each other and apologize

And then would keep going their own ways

With the picture of one another in mind

Remembering when they were both alive

Enviado por Dancker em 24/04/2016
Reeditado em 22/07/2020
Código do texto: T5614493
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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