My favorite version

This is my favorite version of you

And it’s really cool to see you this way

It’s really nice to believe that’s the real you

Believe that you’re like that all the time

But you’re not

People always change

People always have many faces

Because we need this to survive

And I know this is just a version of you

This is not my favorite version of me

It’s kind of weird

And sometimes it doesn’t feel like myself

And, oh, I have so many versions…

I’m almost sure I was born this way

But at some point they all fought

And now a few prevail

But still I think I don’t like this version of me

And this one is trying to destroy all the others

And so I’m dying inside

I think I’ve lost my favorite version of me

So long ago…

Enviado por Dancker em 04/03/2016
Código do texto: T5562875
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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