Your tears

Tonight I died in your arms

And you were holding me tight

The tears falling from your face

And the pain destroying your soul

You’d arrived too late

Though in your thoughts

You were brave enough to save me

You’ve failed and now I’m dead

Actually, I was expecting to die alone

I’d never thought you would be there

I’d never thought anyone would be there

But still you came

Please don’t blame yourself

The spell was too strong

And you’d never had been able to break it

Trust me, I’ve tried my whole life

And I’ve failed too

Now here I am

My cold skin laying on your hands

Being embraced one last time

It is the last farewell

Your tears won’t wake me up

There is no magic but the one that killed me

Enviado por Dancker em 29/02/2016
Código do texto: T5558625
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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