I dedicate immensely with a dazzling ability to see itself in a context of living and that humanity may be filled with a great trajectory under the great development of our races, education, religion and politics that makes us feel all the resonance that has sprouted and born under a great formality of life that we can densifies this story as the greatest leap of the human being under life and that life was formed from a great classification as they say in physics atomically under a relativity of expulsion that we can develop various syntheses and knowledge how everything started from the beginning of the light that made life and under the sociological part that developed among the cultural environment in a great radiance of humanity over life.

Thus was made the world made in light and darkness in which we can supposedly believe under its catastrophic means that align under the great relativity of construction and destruction in its various physical aspects that we can observe all its maturation, both spiritual and material that supposedly the action in man it would be how it all started in a large gathering of artifacts and functions that make us limit under a gene that we can find in its fundamental physical and functional units that we apprehend and see clearly that the maturation of the human being makes us highlight a contour throughout relationship between man and nature that we can understand between the threekingdoms that dominate us and make us react under a great conception of the spirit, body and soul as a mutable being that lives almost winged under the same existence of the universe. life we were classified under a more electrical nature that by the alchemy of life everything is contained under a set related to life, with the human being as a material being that was created under a nuclear chemistry that we call the atomic nucleus and we can say that we are developing in practice sociologically between various relationships that makes us understand and also understand how life was created on earth in which here we will be able to know a little of this theory that we will be able to explain under the genesis of the Big Bang By Demercino Júnior graduated in History and later I will speak under the radiance of humanity under life and a context of living and that humanity may be filled with a great trajectory under the great development of our races, education, religion and politics that makes us feel all the resonance that sprang up and was born under a great formality of life that we can densifies this story as the greatest leap of human beings over life.

Among the various obstacles that educators face throughout their career (salary, devaluation of the profession, need for leadership in the classroom, etc.), professionals in the History and Biology disciplines face one more problem: teaching the origin of the world, according to scientific sources.

According to history, there was a great explosion in space, the Big Bang, in which a primordial atom expanded. As a result of the explosion, an incandescent sphere cooled, giving rise to the universe. Due to this explosion, chemical reactions were unleashed, forming micro-organisms that evolved until reaching what we know as “Man”.

According to the Bible, God created Heaven and Earth. For six days he created air, water, trees, animals and, finally, he created Adam, the “Man”. On the seventh day, he rested.

One of the most controversial issues in history, without a shadow of a doubt, is the origin of the world (and to make things even more difficult, it is the first content addressed in the classroom, at the beginning of history studies). This clash doesn't come from today. Since the beginning of civilization, man has been looking for answers to this question. Later, during the Middle Ages, with each new discovery about evolution, a scientist was condemned to the stake by the Inquisition, accused of heresy. The Church prohibited any dissemination of our origins, other than the biblical version. And it prohibited the individual from seeking knowledge for such an inquiry, imprisoning books and research on the subject.

The situation is even worse when the school is supported by a religious entity. The teacher, even religious, cannot abstain from the facts and mask science. In order to have access to the studies we have today, related to the subject, many scholars gave their lives. Likewise, our society was built on a religious mold. It can be very serious for the order to challenge an individual's faith.

So which path should the educator follow? This debate has permeated academic discussions for centuries, without reaching a conclusion. Each side, armed with its truths, and each truth armed with questions. The role of the educator is to investigate the facts, theoretically based, in order to propose a scientific debate. But when the matter offends religious principles, debate ceases.

I want to say that we can be in a world of transformations in which we are the result of the pleasure we experience at the same time and we are realistic proof of a system related to all resistances and transformations that replicate us to all relationships socialized by human beings who have their conservative role and that was brought up under a great relativity of facts that occurred from prehistory to the present day in which we learn to love with love and hate with hate, leaving our contradictions under an education system as a social means of development Personal until man's ascent to the search for God in everything starts with the religion that According to the Bible, God created Heaven and Earth. For six days he created air, water, trees, animals and, finally, he created Adam, the “Man”. On the seventh day, he rested staying in his words that sighed to the whole world about his value, creation and education and among many aspects we can classify this term and so were preserved under life and maybe god is divided into several gods and that in everything and for everything, it would only be just one if the human being is more in a relationship with the nature of life more sufficient in the light of clairvoyance under the human being nowadays in its social role that we can say how much we apprehend with life unless they are not many enlightened by lack of faith or devaluation under the Catholic Church as inserts and great opportunists who devalue the name of God as anything else and we will be able to understand a little his commandments that make us better reflect the true image of life under the madness of man that always breaks down in nature and commercializes selling its own education turning the world in frauds when politics heats up the psychological mass of the human being in which that it can undo itself in its dynamics when they do not establish true justice under the other education that surround us with melancholy poisons to disguise the relationship of good against evil, remaining like a big bang in which we can explore some spark of this political term and let's see the world grows and our faculties become more alert against social disaffection and we do not want to tarnish or march against two parties that in my opinion should be contained in just one because discipline would fit under the other classes and the world would have a better social effect and so we could shine the moral and more active essence of the human being against the laws of life and we could value our classes with more fear because we would be grabbing the ball as a goalkeeper does without falling between perditions until the true idealistic moment of the human being understand why he can have understood how to live and conquer life and thus we are winners.

Thus was made the world made in light and darkness in which we can supposedly believe under its catastrophic means that align under the great relativity of construction and destruction in its various physical aspects that we can observe all its maturation, both spiritual and material that supposedly the action in man it would be how it all started in a large gathering of artifacts and functions that make us limit under a gene that we can find in its fundamental physical and functional units that we apprehend and see clearly that the maturation of the human being makes us highlight a contour throughout relationship between man and nature that we can understand between the three kingdoms that dominates us and makes us react under a great conception of spirit, body and soul as a mutable being that lives almost winged under the same existence of the universe that we can say we are in everything and a small universe that, due to the formality and construction of life, were classified under a more electric nature. the one that by the alchemy of life everything is contained under a set related to life, the human being being a material being that was created under a nuclear chemistry that we call the atomic nucleus and we can say that we are developing in practice sociologically among several relationships that make us understand and understand also how life was created on earth in which here we can know a little of this theory that we can explain under the genesis vesses the Big Bang and then I will talk about the radiance of humanity under life and a context of if to live and that humanity may be filled with a great trajectory under the great development of our races, education, religion and politics that makes us feel all the resonance that sprang up and was born under a great formality of life that we can densify this story as the greatest human jump under life.

Maybe the hurts can tell us how much we still have to show more laughter under life because I believe in the light and that shines under the human being who still can't have found the truth and can't live relatively how much God made us and that we can someday show where the truth is or where the consciousness lives that is part of the thought that transcends us and keeps us ahead of life and its developments with nature and that it is very clear that everything is contained under the same existence and that god it will always show man that relativity will never stop with life and so we will live in course with the realities and just spread the adverse things and that we dawn ahead of everything and so the world will always be between us and that we are learning something better and better with life. always bigger because time never stops with life and life would be an electricity under all the relativities in which we absorb as measures of rules and so the world is conserved in light.

I dedicate immensely with a dazzling ability to see itself in a context of living and that humanity may be filled with a great trajectory under the great development of our races, education, religion and politics that makes us feel all the resonance that has sprouted and born under a great formality of life that we can densifies this story as the greatest leap of the human being under life and that life was formed from a great classification as they say in physics atomically under a relativity of expulsion that we can develop various syntheses and knowledge how everything started from the beginning of the light that made life and under the sociological part that developed among the cultural environment in a great radiance of humanity over life.

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 19/08/2021
Código do texto: T7324235
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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