What's time for?

There was a time when every word, every act, every choice was sacred and everything made me different from what I now am.

And being different was a wonderful feeling, for watching all the putrefaction of he world and not being one with it was everything I could hope for.

But time can indedd become a ruthless enemy when it is not loved and worshiped every second as the greatest of all friends, for what else is not loved besides what is hated or not cared for?

For time when is not cared for or taken as a secondary need brings life to all the imperfections of human careless thinking.

Time when loved speaks for the soul, when left aside speaks for the body. And this is what seems to be happening now.

It seems the needs and the unsatisfying "have-tos" of daily life are rotting my counsciousness and every part of what once was a pure being.

The harmony between soul and body surely is the path to being a human. And there never will be such and harmony between the animal and the spiritual acting without the mighty presence of consciousness.

Mastering the animal being which so strongly influences every decision is therefore the cornerstone of all and any enlightenment.

It is then achievable by all and it does not require any holy spirit.

I just wish I had some of it!

Enviado por Kami em 25/05/2008
Reeditado em 25/05/2008
Código do texto: T1004369
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