On right and wrong!

If morality entails discernment on what is right and what is wrong then there seems to be no morality at all without reason, for what besides reason can show right and wrong? Feelings? Faith? No, for these are absent of any understanding of the environment. These are only responses to it. Feelings are nothing more than a set of bodily hormonal reactions responding to what has been seem, tasted, touched, smelled, heard and, most of the times, imagined. And faith is as opposite to reason as it is friends with the unfathomable.

So it seems that a man who does not act in full accordance with his reasoning is no more than a wild animal that lives and survives so dependent on, and sometimes, victim of its impulses.

Thus, the acceptance or definition of what is right and wrong brings about another equally important concept within the human realm. That’s the idea of “truth”.

Truth, life explains, is what presents itself all the time. The only truth is that one which creates movements and fosters actions. It’s fact to affirm that each and every being on Earth takes in what is good and declines what is bad and therefore builds up their own concept of what is to be their “truth” in life. It is therefore shameful to realize how much time is wasted on searching out for the truth when it is a logical process to understand that it is within human heart and is brought up by life experiences as it goes along. Truth is therefore every word uttered, every action taken. That’s the only truth of life, the one that moves the word ahead, every second. And that’s why it is so clear to realize that the only true which is shared by the whole human community is love for it is the only feeling that is always there in every choice every individual makes, anywhere in the world, all the time, in their constant search for protection and survival.

Impulse, or to say, the absence of self-control, is therefore the most expressive characteristic of a non-human species. A being at the mercy of impulse is a being absent of reasoning and of any godlike feature, for among many other manifestation of the essence of everything, of what we call ”God”, are reason, process, understanding and mostly “purpose”.

Thus, being in the control of every breath in life is to be in connection with the purity of everything. A purity that so defines itself in the absence of any human will and desire.

So it seems easy to conclude that any right choice in life is the one most absent of feelings and most wrapped in purpose.

Enviado por Kami em 29/07/2009
Código do texto: T1726662
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