" Eu não tenho nada. Antes de você ser, eu sou..."

I got your fever like someone who get cold. The white blood fighting against attack to my body. Sweat was cold. And soon, drops eliminated warmth. Tought [it] were somethin' else. Tought was a phenomenom or a vision. Tought was kind a psychosis or freaked out. Dont know yet. Believe about i feel. Believe in vírus like believe in science and love. Believe about i see. Also, things i wish and are invisble. Things i want and are made of imagination. But, disagreed of heal the headache with medicine, also refused medicine to heal things do not exist. Believe about doesn't exist also i feel. And that there's no cure.

Raul Nini
Enviado por Raul Nini em 23/05/2017
Reeditado em 20/02/2018
Código do texto: T6007136
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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