For decades doc Steven Greer proves that the great oil money, is the cause of the cover-up. On the confirmation of ETs existense.

Heroics people give full veracity, and help prove on what doc Greer says. People like:

** I.R. Linda Moulton, Tyler secureteam10, Phil

Schneider...etc. All about ETs and the government

lie agenda.

Other heroic human, is Dutchsinse. When we teach that; "pumping operations for fracking and, extraction of oil/gas, produce earthquakes".

Or even less famous people, like myself, Paul Coast.

When l say that; "The ocean rise level produced by global warming, It will have as one of the consequences, the increase of earthquakes and volcanisn".

Because trilhons of Tons more of water, on the tectonic plates. It will produce increase pressure, on faults. Accelerating the release of energy, contained in the zones of friction, subduction...etc.

Which means more earthquakes and volcanism.

And what is the connection of all these cases??

Simple, we are all messing up the big, dirty, bloody, late,..., Oil/coal/gas, money.

In one way or another.

And we are also in agreement, that the energy technology, using gravity & magnetic field, is already dominated by human beings.

ET's technology; a lot strong, clean, low prices, and almost endless.

But, these guys from the shadow:

-They induced cancer on doc Greer.

-They threaten IR Linda Moulton for life.

-They stop trucks with weird people in front of

Tyler's house.

-They from, CIA, NSA, USGS,..., in some way,

already threated Dutchsinse.

-They also block me on internet. It's the same

like a desert, for a third world guy.

Living in the most corrupt country in the


But whoever said that, fight the shadow operation would be easy.

Good luck to all, who are with us. The disclosure

has already begun.

Paul Coast
Enviado por Paul Coast em 19/09/2017
Reeditado em 11/12/2017
Código do texto: T6118318
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro